How I Built Confidence as a Christian - Self Worth Through God

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Building confidence as a Christian has been a long and difficult journey for me. Today I share with you my journey. Thank you so much for watching. Praise God!

#Christianity #God #faith

Please don't stop making videos and showing the truth about the lord and his love! I just gave my life to Christ today, despite my whole family already being christian. Theres never a such thing as "too late" when it comes to repenting to the lord and asking to be saved. You are one of the good ones.


Found your channel this week, currently I'm in the process to change my mindset to think "God is all I need"

Psalms 37: 16 (GW)
The little that the righteous person has is better
than the wealth of many wicked people.


Been binging all your vids man. Dont stop, you're vulnerability is speaking to people. Much love. 🙏🏽


God is so good isn’t he? The way he’s able to transform lives from living from a place of lack to abundance. All glory to him ✝️🙌🏼


I've been struggling with this my whole life but Jesus saved me from all of it. All Glory to our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you so much for sharing. May God bless you and protect ❤🙏


Wow! You explaining giving your identity/ confidence into Gods hands HIT me! Being reminded that our value comes from God and he is holding that, we don’t have to! What a revelation! Reminds me of Matthew 10:39 He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life for My sake will find it. Almost like if we choose to find our confidence/ identity in the world we will surely lose it but if we willingly lose it by giving it to God we will truly find it ❤

God is Good!


Wow I thank God for allowing me to discover you. I am 83 yo and listening to you has helped me tremendously…look how young you are compared to me but yet I continue to learn from you.


I wish I had a friend like you, to help encourage and build me up through God’s words and faith. I was feeling so low when I came across this video- and I needed to see this. Keep making videos and encouraging others. May God use you in mighty ways!!


God bless you!
It’s amazing how Jesus keeps using our trials to strengthen our spiritual growth.
As a parent of a 37 yr old son, who accepted Christ last April, what a joy it is that he and I go to church every Sunday together!
Jesus is using you - keep going!


Please, continue to make these videos. You popped up in my reccomend, and you speak on topics that I'm currently struggling with; I don't have many to speak to as a christian; you've become my friend. Thank you and God bless you. May the lord continue to give you the wisdom necessary to speak his word and make content in his glory 🤗


I just found your channel but it’s truly a blessing!! The love of God radiates through your videos. God bless you for your vulnerability and for just being obedient and allowing the Holy Spirit to express Himself through you🙏🏽


This video was sent directly from the Holy Spirit 🥰 this morning I was scared thinking that every time I fall he casts me out of his presence, and he reminded me - ‘if the Holy Spirit is within you, how can I ever leave you?’ And it was just this mad realisation that the gifting of the Holy Spirit is a marker of his love, he dwells within our bodies and sanctified us and makes us new, and we can always walk boldly before the throne of grace


Im really touched that at ur young age you have such a mature message through your own personal experience and walk with God. You're inspiring. God Bless you


Thank you, Orlando, for sharing your story and your faith. Your videos have deeply touched me; in fact, throughout my brief journey in the Christian life so far, you have been the person who moved me the most. I was able to see myself, not in your story but in the words you spoke. I am 21 years old, from Brazil, and for about 10 years, I have been struggling with depression. Through ups and downs, God has kept me alive. Although I still do not understand why and it saddens me and angers me with Him for everything, I want to believe that He has something good for me. I believe that God is using you to help so many people who, like me, are lost, lonely, and seeking answers to many questions. Please, remain steadfast in your faith and journey and keep posting the videos.
(Note: Sorry for any mistakes, I don't speak English, I used a translator to write the message). God bless you!"


Hi! Thank you so much for this. I have struggled with my confidence my entire life but I have been trying to figure out how to get better at it with God. This really helped me! Thank you for being brave enough to be vulnerable and talk about it!!


God bless you! You have no idea how many people you helped with this video! Also, on an unrelated note, I love how polished your videos are, the part titles look really nice!


God bless you, brother Orlando, something about your videos speak to me. You are letting us all see the real you, no hiding. I can see the Holy Spirit working in you mightily. Keep speaking the truth into this dark world.


Your perspective and vulnerability is awesome. Please keep uploading.


I needed this video. I worry about what people think of me even though I know Gods opinion is all that matters. I let mean things people say get to me sometimes and allow for rejection to make me rethink my identity. But none of that should matter. I pray that I stop worrying about these things and allow for God remind his children of their identity in him and to continue to use me and others in the body of Christ for his kingdom. In Jesus name amen!!!


Jesus my personal Lord and Saviour, He is saving me from this struggle one day at a time. Glory be to God. Thanks so much for this video
