How AI helps scientists fight COVID-19

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Artificial intelligence is useful for sorting through massive amounts of data and identifying anomalies within that data. Given the swaths of data healthcare workers and scientists are sorting through due to the coronavirus pandemic, Artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies have proven helpful in everything from predictive modeling to vaccine research and reading X-rays. InfoWorld senior writer Serdar Yegulalp joins Juliet to discuss how AI/ML tech is helping fight COVID-19 and how these technologies could be used by scientists, pharmaceutical companies and healthcare professionals alike in the future.


AI, ML, AI/ML, artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, what is deep learning?, COVID-19, tech fights COVID-19, AI healthcare technology, how does AI work?, what is AI/ML?, how tech helps fight the coronavirus, AI/ML technology

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AI is going to aprase the future us, our values and behavior.
What do you seriously think it will do when charged with helping humanity?.
It wont be a amegula decision, it will be an adult acountability war footing one.
