What Molinism Can't Intellectually, Honestly Answer

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#salvation #worlds #will
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Let me answer this: According to Molina, There are an infinite number of feasible worlds with the so-called optimal balance. And God knows that for each creaturely essence he conceives of, there is a feasible world where that individual is saved, lost, or doesn’t exist. God chooses the world according to his good pleasure. WLC differs from Molina in that Craig considers the possibility of transworld damnation, where there are some, or perhaps all of the reprobate in the actual world, who would be lost in every feasible world they might exist in despite God supplying sufficient prevenient grace to them. So there are various views in the middle knowledge perspective.

Molinism differs from the Calvinist scheme in that it allows for the possibility of creatures having freedom of the will to choose between a range of options in various circumstances, most importantly, morally significant circumstances. By contrast, placing God’s counterfactual knowledge in free knowledge precludes this kind of freedom which Molinists advocate is a Biblically undeniable. This placed the onus of evil on human beings and it retains God’s universal salvific will, which is arguably a Biblical teaching.

I think James White should do a bit more thinking on this subject and apply the principle of charity to his critique.


The problem that I seem to always have with Molinism That perhaps it's because of my misunderstanding of it is that it does kind of seem to collapse into determinism and it does seem to have all of this extra baggage that's not needed. But it is definitely philosophical in nature. Perhaps that's why?.


Good luck with finding a church that even is aware of such questions, let alone thought them through..


Before ever delving into these questions regarding God's sovereignty, I think it is good first to look into scripture. It would be good to figure out what this existence is all about. Is it about you the insignificant pinch of clay molded by the Potter for His glory? Or is about the eternal God who is blessed forever represented in three persons Father, Spirit, and Son? After reconciling from God's Word that's it's not about me, you, or any other mere human, then the question of God's sovereignty becomes much easier to understand. Because if it's about Him then we can remove our desires, will, emotions, and anxieties from the equation.

You have never heard, you have never known, from of old your ear has not been opened. For I knew that you would surely deal treacherously, and that from before birth you were called a rebel. "For my name's sake I defer my anger; for the sake of my praise I restrain it for you, that I may not cut you off. Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tried you in the furnace of affliction. For my own sake, for my own sake, I do it, for how should my name be profaned? My glory I will not give to another. "Listen to me, O Jacob, and Israel, whom I called! I am he; I am the first, and I am the last.
Isaiah 48:8‭-‬12 ESV


I don't get why people get so hung up on hypotheticals. God only made 1 creation and has decided who he will save and who he won't. Even if there were hypothetical worlds where all are saved, He, the Creator of the Universe decided not to make it. He decides what is good, not us.


Instead of writing comments to a channel that does not belong to Dr. White, why not tweet him directly and see his replies.


Prayer makes a real difference, because God is pleased to use the answering of prayers as a means, so God chooses to make a difference through prayers and the answering thereof.


Craig is mixed up and deluded. That's what happens when your Christianity is informed by secular philosophy


I don’t think Molinism is trying to answer “Why God chooses.” I think we fail to understand that God chooses and no one is even capable of pointing a finger and asking him why. It’s almost a contrast that the cross was salvation for many but it was also for you personally. It’s like the contrast between salvation being for all or for me individually. No one has the right to point at God and ask “Why did you do it this way?” I know it hard for our hearts to bind to that agreeingly, but its true. If God is the creator of all, how can i question it?

Better yet, if any given world has true free will, one of us is bound to be un-pleased with God at some point. It goes hand in hand with God being the sustainer of my life. If he doesn’t sustain it or cant, then I’m doomed.

And also you would have to answer the question, “Why did God created Adam and Eve first rather than you or your wife first?” Or rather “Why did God create at all?” It leaves us with no other answer than “He simply wanted to.” And who can argue that? No one can, but some will. Because thats our fallen-ness :)


After watching this video, I truly believe the concept of Molinism escapes Dr. White.


The problem with Molinism is the similar problem with Utilitarianism, as they are both consequentialist theories.


Please try to have a skype/zoom debate with WLC


This needs to be talked about between you two.


Can't wait to see you debating William Lane Craig.


Molinism is humanism's last try on soteriology. After pelaganism and arminianism have failed.


At least in Molinism, even if God chooses one particular world, the accountability of sins in that world still fall on the shoulders of men.
But in Calvinism, it falls on the shoulder of God.


i would love to see where in the bible God says "I want the most people possible to be saved"


If we assume God got to choose between a near-infinite amount of worlds, is it not plausible that in one of them nearly all of humanity got to be saved?


Answering as I'm listening. It only raises more questions for us because we are limited finite creatures. Through molinism, God achieved the maximum number of people he wishes to save, ultimately getting his way, without infringing on free will. Also under molinism, God isn't the creator of evil


I was just thinking about this as I'm listening. It's not that God can't save them.... They are choosing to reject God. Could God just override their free will sure he could. The bigger question is will he override their Free Will not if he could override their free will. I'm not a Molinist by any means, although I do think God has this middle knowledge because I think God has all knowledge.
