Create Three Symfony Back Ends - Part #5 - Symfony 4 API Healthcheck Endpoint

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Our first Symfony 4 JSON API will be created using as few extra dependencies as possible. This will make our lives a little harder, but give us an understanding of what the specialised packages (FOSRESTBundle) and projects (Symfony API Platform) are doing to make our lives easier.

We're going to jump right in and start working with the Behat test project we created in the previous video.

However, this basic Symfony 4 JSON API project will be entirely standalone. This is to ensure our tests are re-usable amongst many different implementations.

In the "Beginners Symfony 4 Tutorial" we worked with a provided Symfony starting point called the Website Skeleton - symfony/website-skeleton.

The Website Skeleton is a really cool starting point that roughly equates to the same setup we got when installing a new Symfony 2 or Symfony 3 project. We get all the features like Twig, Doctrine, Routing, etc, all pre-configured for us.

That said, we don't need the vast majority of all of this extra stuff for our simple Symfony 4 JSON API.

It's up to you whether you start with the Website Skeleton, and remove the bits you don't need. Or you start with the symfony/skeleton and add the bits you do.

I'm going with the symfony/skeleton.
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this will not work with smyfony 5 (which is installed by default when using create-project), so make sure you use Symfony 4 !
