St. Joan of Arc HD

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St. Joan of Arc is the patroness of soldiers and of France.

On January 6, 1412, Joan of Arc was born to pious parents of the French peasant class in the obscure village of Domremy, near the province of Lorraine. At a very early age, she was said to have heard the voices of St. Michael, St. Catherine, and St. Margaret.

At first the messages were personal and general, but when she was 13-years-old, she was in her father's garden and had visions of Saint Michael, Saint Catherine, and Saint Margaret, each of whom told her to drive the English from French territory. They also asked that she bring the Dauphin to Reims for his coronation.

After their messages were delivered and the saints departed, Joan cried, as "they were so beautiful."

When she was sixteen-years-old, she asked her relative, Durand Lassois, to take her to Vaucouleurs, where she petitioned Robert de Baudricourt, the garrison commander, for permission to visit the French Royal Court in Chinon.

Despite Baudricourt's sarcastic response to her request, Joan returned the following January and left with the support of two of Baudricourt's soldiers: Jean de Metz and Bertrand de Poulengy.

Jean de Metz admitted Joan had confided in him, saying, "I must be at the King's side ... there will be no help if not from me. Although I would rather have remained spinning [wool] at my mother's side ... yet must I go and must I do this thing, for my Lord wills that I do so."

With Metz and Poulengy at her side, Joan met Baudricourt and predicted a military reversal at the Battle of Rouvray near Orléans, which were confirmed several days later by a messenger's report. When Baudricourt realized the distance of the battle's location and the time it would have taken Joan to make the journey, he concluded she had seen the reversal by Divine revelation, which caused him to believe her words.

Once she had Baudricourt's belief, Joan was granted an escort to Chinon through hostile Burgundian territory. For her safety, she was escorted while dressed as a male soldier, which later led to charges of cross-dressing, but her escorts viewed as a sound precaution.

Two members of her escort confirmed they and the people of Vaucouleurs gave her the clothing and had been the ones to suggest she don the outfit.

When she arrived in the Royal Court, she met in a private conference with Charles VII and won his trust. Yolande of Aragon, Charles' mother-in-law, planned a finance relief expedition to Orléans and Joan asked to travel with the army while wearing armor, which the Royal government agreed to. They also provided Joan's armor and she depended on donations for everything she took with her.

With a donated horse, sword, banner, armor, and more, Joan arrived to Orléans and quickly turned the Anglo-French conflict into a religious war.

Charles' advisors worried Joan's claims of doing God's work could be twisted by his enemies, who could easily claim she was a sorceress, which would link his crown to works of the devil. To prevent accusations, the Dauphin ordered background inquiries and a theological exam at Poitiers to verify Joan's claims.

In April 1429, the commission of inquiry "declared her to be of irreproachable life, a good Christian, possessed of the virtues of humility, honesty and simplicity." Rather than deciding on whether or not Joan was acting on the basis of divine inspiration, theologians at Poitiers told the Dauphin there was a "favorable presumption" on the divine nature of her mission.

Charles was satisfied with the report but theologians reminded him Joan must be tested. They claimed, "[t]o doubt or abandon her without suspicion of evil would be to repudiate the Holy Spirit and to become unworthy of God's aid."

They suggested her test should be a test of her claim to lift the siege of Orléans, as she originally predicted would happen.

In response to the test, Joan arrived at Orléans on April 29, 1429, where Jean d'Orléans, the acting head of the ducal family of Orléans, ensured she was excluded from war councils and kept ignorant of battles.

During the five months prior to Joan's arrival to Orléans, the French had only attempted one offensive assault, which resulted in their defeat, but after her arrival, things began to change.

Рекомендации по теме

St. Joan still wears her battle armor in heaven. And it is said that those who have
a devotion to St. Joan do not choose her but she chooses them!
Pray to her and ask her intercession for you and your family to persevere and to
become great saints in these evil times.
Prepare for the warning!


St. Joan of Arc, please pray and defend France . St.Denis of France please pray for the Notre Dame Cathedral. Amen! 🙏🙏🙏


St Joan of Arc listened to the voices of angels that was sent from God, I am so proud of her for carrying out every single command St Joan of Arc had received .. a truly blessed Saint.


St. Joan ofArc please pray for all those who have Covid 19 and give them courage.


I admire the great courage if St. Joan of Arc. May she inspire each of ús.


This is one of the better videos about Joan of Arc on Youtube, since the information is consistent with what experts have said on the subject.


Saint Joan of ARC please pray for us and the whole world please intercede for peace for the whole world amen!😇😇😇


the only person i'd simp for
dying at 19
and doing all this stuff at 17-18 years oldis totally
she's a higher being


Mark Twain, the great American author and agnóstica was one of her admirers and wrote her biography with admiration and respect


I wonder who did the painting of the Saint in the first ten seconds of this video. It is incredibly beautiful! I'd love to get a copy of that painting! Any info on this would be gratefully appreciated!


I'm named after St. Joan of Arc, a few days ago I was feeling confused as to what I should be doing with my life and I felt that God was telling me to just simply keep my eyes on the Lord. Today, I was feeling better and my life and attitude was improving, but I was still lost. I kept hearing keep your eyes on God, and then I began thinking about what I had gone through in my life that made me strong and resilient in the face of danger, insults, intimidation, and fear, for standing up for truth and the value and dignity in all of God's children. It isn't easy standing up for the lives of the unborn and the abused along with standing up for the lives and dignity of human beings that many Catholics/Protestants/Muslims and others see as sinners because they are homosexual, or others who are dealing with feeling unsure of their gender, women who've had abortions, drug addicts, criminals etc. They too were fearfully and wonderfully made in God's image and are his children who are worthy of our understanding, love, and acceptance. However, in such a deceitful world, I wasn't sure that I could always be strong and I'm not sure any human being is fearless, and then it seemed out of nowhere, I felt God say to me, "to put on the full armor of God." Me being just a small woman, I could actually feel this armor being put on me, and I sort of backed up a bit in surprise and thought, "me? I'm going to wear armor like Joan of Arc did?" I will wear it though because nothing is impossible with God. After keeping my eyes on God for those few days, I did feel he would give me more answers and that is what I heard. I will wear the full armor of God for whatever comes my way. Sorry this is so long, but I really feel like I am beginning to feel found.


Considering the 200, 000 plus cases of abuse in France, that the Pope himself apologized for,
Saint Joan is highly suggested
We need the might saints of old.


God's blessed messenger and maiden!

When mentioning her references in literature, don't mention the arch-mason and anti-Catholic Voltaire.

Mark Twain's references were ADORING of Joan!


Joan is a very popular saint in France.
She is mentioned in some films. "Did you know that Joan of Arc was burned at the stake when she was only 19?"
-Unknown French Girl.

She was even in anime.
"Goddess with the third Eye, fuse together Marie the fallen one and the Forgiving maiden to form...St. Joan!"
-Serenity Wheeler.

She was in a song as well.
'I am a joan of Arc and smart enough to believe this.'
-'Wunderkind' By Alanis Morrisette


jeanne d'arc est ma sainte reine! elle est ma France!


Threats to law enforcement (conspiracy) is most of history and law.


I’m surprised no one has made her the patron saint of cross dressers yet?!?🤣
