What If Anakin Skywalker and Padme Never Married During the Clone Wars

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Anakin and Padme Married at the beginning of the clone wars, a decision that would define their lives by the time of Revenge of the Sith. What would've happened if Anakin and Padme Never Married? How would their love be affected? Would they continue dating or would they become a situationship? How would the lack of bond create an issue for Anakin in his personal life?

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Рекомендации по теме

What if Jabba the Hutt remembered the name Skywalker from the Clone Wars? I mean, just making the connection between Anakin and Luke in Episode 6?


What if Dooku led the CIS without Falling to the Dark Side


Kenobi, I was expecting your title to be longer."


Bro literally makes my job not boring. I watch like 3+ of these a day until I’m fully caught up, unfortunately I’m almost caught up😢


What if Anakin Skywalker saw Padme Amidala rejecting Rush Clovis' advances towards her upon entering the room in the Clone Wars episode?


When I first saw the thumbnail and title of this video I immediately wondered if Anakin and Padme’s relationship would be like a mirror of Obi Wan and Duchess Satine’s.

Also here’s some story ideas:

What if Thrawn had a daughter?

What if Leia was sent to live with Padme’s family on Naboo?

What if Ahsoka found obi wan on Tattooine?

What if Mara Jade Skywalker was palpatine’s secret granddaughter?

What if Grugu a twin brother or sister?

What if padme Amidiala remained queen after the events of the phantom/what if Naboo’s government worked like a real world constitutional monarchy?


This feels more like Anakin’s version of the Clone Wars rather than a what if


-What if Anakin went with Yoda on his journey with the force?
-What if Ima-Gun Di Trained Anakin Skywalker ?


What if Force users disappeared during the Clone Wars? Anakin does something to trigger a rapture-like event in the Force.



"His powers hadn't doubled since the last time they met 🎤"

I like that line bro well said there that was good 🤣🔥


Day 5 of asking "what if anakin never turned to the darkside but still burned on Mustafar and got the darth vader armour?"


What if Jango Fett freed Shmi Skywalker instead of Cliegg Lars?


This is why I love your channel and you are my inspiration bro. You are a legit story writer who literally covers so much info and even uses actual story beats to create a unique story each time you upload a what-if video. I also want to share that you are amongst the best storytellers I follow and I follow many. Many have their own series, but you are unique in a way that you can tell multiple stories by using the same amount of characters and have them different things and still be crazy unique. and you have an amazing ability to add new characters and still make it work and be crazy unique. I know this cuz others try, and fail. You are my leading example of making this work. Thanks, man.


I really really like this video! Can you please do these videos for me?

•What if Anakin vowed loyalty to the Zygerrian queen?
•What if Dooku didn't go to Zygerria and Anakin couldn't escape?
•What if Ashoka fell in love with Anakin, but he didn't fall in love with her?
•What if Ezra and Leia fell in love?
•What if Anakin trained Ezra during the Clone Wars?
•What if Ezra save Mace when he was trying to save Ashoka (World Between Worlds)?
•What if Vader killed Ezra when he tried to kill Ashoka?
•What if Anakin was a full blood Sith?
•What if Ashoka pulled Anakin (from the clone wars) through the World Between Worlds?
•What if Anakin was accused of the bombing at the Jedi temple?
•What if Barriss' goal was to kill Anakin instead of bombing the temple?
•What if Padme adopted Anakin
•What if Maul killed Anakin during the Phantom Menace?
•What if Riff Tamson killed Anakin and Kit Fisto (but Padme, Ashoka, and Prince Lee Char live)
•What if the Son took and turned Obi Wan instead of Ashoka?
•What if Anakin was Jabba the Hutt's slave?
•What if Sabine was unable to get Ezra from Gar Saxon?
Thank you so much! God Bless!!!!


Really interesting take on Anakin's desire for companionship. He had basically put EVERYTHING on his relationship with Padme. In a situation where he can't do it fully he looks to actually make friends.

What if Palpatine didn't know Anakin was the choosen one?


What if Boba Fett successfully killed Mace Windu during the clone wars?


Continuing with my ideas day forty-nine of asking.

1) what if the Sith Empire returned during the High Republic era?

2) what if Avar Kriss and Elzar Mann had a child?

3) what if Starlight Beacon was saved?

4) what if Jyn Erso survived the battle of Scarif and went on to meet and fall in love with Luke Skywalker?

5) what if Luke and Leia found out they were siblings earlier?

6) what if Han was saved from Jabba but Leia failed to kill Jabba and was left behind remaining a slave?

7) what if Padme was enslaved during the Clone wars?

8) what if the Combine from Half-Life invaded the Star wars Universe?

9) what if the Daleks invaded the star wars universe?

10) what if Rey became a slave?

11) what if Luke was put in charge of the Rebellion?

12) what if Din Djaran and Bo-Katan fell in love and became joined leaders of Mandalor?

13) what if Leia finished her Jedi training?

14) what if the Cybermen invaded the Star wars universe?

15) what if Cal and Merrin had a daughter (Jedi nightsister hybrid)

16) what if Luke and Leia weren’t separated at birth?

17) what if Ahsoka found Shin Hati before Baylon Skoll?

18) what if Kylo Ren and the Knight of Ren didn’t destroy Luke’s Jedi order meaning that the Resistance and New Republic had the Jedi during the war with the first order?

19) what if the ones survived?

20) what if the Aldani heist went off without the Empire knowing.

Some of these I would make on AO3 but I don’t know how I am doing 1, 2 and 4 and I plan to do 15


This was an excellent one my friend. Great job.


I've once read a fanfic which explains why Anakin and Padme married so soon after they began dating the following way.
On Tatooine, there was no elaborated marriage ceremony but instead the wife and the husband taught each other a family recipee for tea and then drank it. So Anakin mentions that he can perhaps one day teach it to Padme and she - without realizing its significance - says that he can teach her now. Anakin is shocked first but he agrees. Later that day, Anakin mentions to Padme they are married which shocks her. Anakin now realizing that Padme didn't know the tea custom (he previously thought that she knew about it) offers to negate the marriage but Padme denies but wants to be married according to Naboo tradition as well which is what we see at the end of Episode II.


I simply love all your stories with Satine and Obi-wan getting together! They always bring a tear to my eye!
