HOW TO APPLY TO UQ DOCTOR OF MEDICINE | University of Queensland | Medical School

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Hey everyone! In this video, I break down the process of applying to The University of Queensland's Doctor of Medicine.

Because we've already looked at some other GEMSAS schools, I'll be covering the steps that are specific to UQ but if you need to review the GEMSAS process, you can either check out the GEMSAS guide or my UniMelb application video where I go into it in more detail

In this series of videos I research and break down the details of how to apply to each of the graduate entry medical school programs around Australia, given that I'll be applying pretty much everywhere I can for 2023 entry!

UniMelb video:

GEMSAS Admissions Guide (2022 Entry*):

Other helpful links:

University of Queensland MD page

Prerequisite information

Check your rural area designation:


00:00 Intro
01:26 Place Types
02:03 Key Degrees
05:18 UQ GPA calculation
07:29 10 Year Rule & Exceptions
9:40 Prerequisites
14:12 Indigenous & Rural Applicants
15:36 Interview Offers
16:18 Offers & Deferrals

I've also now put together a resources page:

Hey, I'm Jesse, I'm a professional private tutor and founder of Simplified Study Tutoring. Since 2011, I've been helping students take a simpler approach to their studies and educating people in anything from science and maths to English and economics. In March 2021 I sat the GAMSAT and achieved an 84 including a 100 in Section 3. Hopefully, that's credentials enough to give this video a good watchin'.

Follow me:

Note that the 7.0 GPA is only applied if your first class honours or PhD is your most recent study. So if you completed a coursework masters after honours or a graduate diploma after a PhD, the masters and graduate diploma GPA will be counted towards your GPA, and your honours and PhD will be ignored.


Thank you so much for this Jesse, I got an offer from UQ for the M.D just yesterday!


Jesse I cant thankyou enogh for the free resources, i am just very worried and stressed about how to manage the preeration with my uni work I am second year at Monash.If you could help me out, you'll be a legend mate.


that ten year exclusion of the years is so frustrating for you! surely they can understand that a subject done at the start of a degree might be retained to the end of the degree ahh


Honestly so glad that they brought in prereqs, the automatic 7.0 GPA for first class honours in postgrad work and the adjustments for rurality - if they get rid of any of it my hopes for medicine are d e a d.

If you’re unsuccessful this year smash out a 6 month diploma, it would be so worth it!


Thanks for the great video! Just a question on the GPA calc, I'm doing an nursing degree currently so I at least have 8 units in my degree that's pass/fail - can i assume these will be counted as a 5 as per UQ GPA calc?


thank you for the video question is if GPA 5 and above is maintained..How likely the applicant can get offer??? why I am asking is because DEAKIN says their average GPA selection was 6.76 in the latest round.


thank you Jesse, quick question can the med interview disqualify an application even tho u have meet other prerequisites? and how so ?


Dose the Master of Research give you a 7.0 or only PHD?


Thank you!! Can you please do UNDS & UoW as well please.


So if someone has First Class Honours, will their overall GPA be considered 7.0, or just the GPA for their Honours year?


Hello! Do you know if I can apply while still completing my masters degree. I finish it before January but not August when the deadline is. Would this disqualify me if I’d prefer they only look at my masters gpa only. Btw love the video!!


Hi Jesse.... thanks for making videos about postgrad medicine entry.... I am just a first year bachelor Degree student but have few questions ..

1. Does part time bachelor degree eligible ?
2. if I am transferring between universities to do one degree will it be considered ?
3. if I am doing 2 different degrees at a same time for example Biomed -full time and Cybersecurity- part time so planning to complete biomes first and apply for medicine then continue cybersecurity later so does it matter when I make an application because still I'll be studying cybersecurity but for the application I'll use only biomed?
4. regarding GPA is it overall % or in each and every unit do we need to get above certain % of marks ?
5. from your own experience how much % of marks in each unit will give a chance of getting into medicine ?
6. which university is easy to get into for post grad medicine.... I know its highly competitive but the least toughest is which one ?

thanks in advance jess
