HOUSE OF THE DRAGON Season 2 Episode 8 Ending Explained & Breakdown | Review, Easter Eggs & Theories

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HOUSE OF THE DRAGON Season 2 Episode 8 Ending Explained & Breakdown | Review, Easter Eggs & Theories. Season 3 predictions, Daemon's Vision explained and more. We break down the final episode of the Game Of Thrones prequel HOTD, covering the characters and families involved, The Fire and Blood book and the Targaryen lineage, Blood and Cheese, Daemon, Rhaenyra, Alicent, The Greens, Aegon, Aemond, the Iron Throne, the differences, The Heir to the Throne, Vermithor, Hugh Hammer, Ulf, The Battle Of Rooks Rest, The Death Of Rhaenys, Dragon Vs Dragon and so much more, lets jump right into it!
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Welcome to the Heavy Spoilers show I'm your host Paul and this video we're breaking down House Of The Dragon.
The season 2 finale is finally here and episode 8 has a lot of things to talk about. Throughout this video we're gonna be going through the entry and talking about all the easter eggs and callbacks to the book. This will flesh out certain scenes and discuss how they were recorded in history and also where we're gonna be going for the future.
I'll also be talking about what I think will happen in Season 3 and I'll save that for the spoiler section at the end.
So for the last time please hit that thumbs up and make sure you're subscribed for most big breakdowns on lots of upcoming shows and movies.
With that out the way, thank you for clicking this, now let's get into House Of The Dragon.
Now the episode is titled the Queen who ever was with this being a play on the queen who never was. That was how this entire show started with Rhaenys gaining that nickname after being looked over. This title now refers to the future and the episodes laced with visions and prophecies that foreshadow this.