Should You Buy Or Wear Highland Dress Antiques? Is it okay to wear an antique sporran?

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The lads were asked for advice on finding a Targe (the Highlander's leather shield) that could be a gift for a loved one. This led to a discussion of thrifting, antiqueing and online hunting for vintage Highland Dress items and what6 to expect/look out for.

SHOULD you wear antiques? When looking at antique Highland Dress, it is essential to have realistic expectations and a clear purpose.

Do NOT assume that what you find is wearable. Often the fabric and leather are no longer serviceable. More importantly many items you may find, especially via online auctions, should be kept safe as historical artifacts and respected as such. Your mileage may vary, but in our opinion if you were to find say... a World War One-era officer's sporran for sale, it would be more honorable to display it at home and pass it along intact for posterity than to add it to your wardrobe.

Some "vintage" items are of recent manufacture - such as used pipe band kilts. Others are survivors from important historical events and eras long gone - delicate repositories of stories that should be studied. Just something to keep in mind.

Tartans in this video:
Rocky - Shaw Ancient

Erik: Tweed

Started in 2003, USA Kilts is a team of kilt makers and artisans located in Spring City PA. In 2017, we made it our mission to build community and bring kilts and Celtic culture to the forefront with our YT show: Kilts & Culture.


I like your comment. We are stewards on this planet, not meant to wreck things. If we applied that philosophy to everything we would have a different world. Bravo guys.


It is great to know that you have a belief that history must be preserved. My wife and I bought and live in an 1890 Queen Anne Victorian that we are keeping as original as humanly possible because the more it is altered the less relevant it becomes. As a side note, how many houses built today will survive 130+ years and be livable.


I have a antique military sporran from the unit I was in bought it online, and spent some time lightly restoring it, as it was not hung but tossed into the ole chest, had hairspray was dirty etc. but the hair had a kink in it and slowly cleaned and removed the kink or really made it less noticeable and got a new white belt for it as well, as the old one suffered to many paint jobs over the years. I wear as well in my dress. To honor my old unit Respectfully as always.


I loved that you said you shouldn't wear antiques. I think abiding by the museum rules applies here. "We don't wear the extant garments." Collect and display appropriately where items are protected from acids and UVA/UVB and by all means, have a replica made! Wear the replica. Do not pull a Kim Kardashian and wear the original. Wearing the original does damage to it simply by wearing it.
^^^ This is the mentality that needs to become commonplace if dress history is going to continue gaining respect as a discipline.

Also, if you find military metals for sale, particularly a purple heart... they are illegal to buy, sell, or replicate. PERIOD. If you ever find military medals for sale, that needs to be reported.


Everyone should go with their taste and in the end you must do you, and express your voice. But if your asking this Scotsman, I would go for the practical angle. I have a hairy spog like those shown but I prefer to the plainer versions like those being worn here, or even a simpler Jacobite version. If your buying a targe perhaps consider buying the full set. The shield was fought with the (basket hilt) claymore and dirk combination, i.e. with the targe and dirk in the same hand.


Hi friends, I just have to brag a bit. I just left Lochcarron Weavers in Lochcarron Scotland where I was measured for a kilt. I’ve been wearing a kilt for years, but it’s always been a utilikilt. I wanted to wait to get a true Scottish kilt in Scotland. It should be done in about a month and I can’t wait to get it!


As soon as you said Navy training plane and yellow, I knew exactly what it was: the Yellow Peril, so called because of the potentially dangerous student pilots flying it and the color of the fuselage. If you saw that yellow plane coming towards you, it was time to get out of the way!


My question is what should I do with my family heirlooms? I don’t have any kids but would like the kilt especially to stay in the family.


What kilt are the Savannah Bananas wearing and did they come from USA KILTS?


Anybody thinking they are going to buy a targe from Culloden, or even that period, need to give themselves a shake! 🤣. Anything you find is almost guaranteed to be a decorative piece. Loads were made for display in the Victorian and Edwardian era. Even many of the impressive weapons displayed in many Scottish castles aren't real and were only made as decor.


Looked on Etsy and searched by name. Couldn't find NW Celtic Design. Tried New World also. Any idea if they're still in business or maybe merged or didn't survive the last couple years? Thanks


I would love to join the kilts and culture Facebook group.... But after i joined, i was removed. And i didnt even posted or commented anything. I enjoyed the group 2 hours long and then it was gone. Cant even find it any more. Any tips maybe how i can re join?


You simply can't honor traditional garb by locking it away...the proud artisans who made these treasures wanted them worn and seen!
Honor the ancestors; if you are afraid it might be damaged, make a faithful replica, learn how 'they' did things!
