Minecraft: How To Build A Dark Cathedral | Tutorial

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#buildtutorial #minecraft #church #howtobuild #minecraftbuilding #minecrafthouse


• Materials List: 0:23

• Build Layout: 0:56

• Shaders: BSL Shaders

• Texture pack I use: Jermsyboy vanilla edits


Music credits:

Songs by TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™

Thanks for watching! ❤
Рекомендации по теме

I've been searching for an idea for a gothic style library all night to store every enchanted book... This design gave me soooo many ideas. Keep it up!


please more dark builds like this! like houses and stores. i’m in LOVE


material list
deep slate bricks 6531 (102 stacks and 3)
red netherbrick 2500 (39 stacks 4)
deepslate tiles 2485 (38 stacks 53)
spruce planks 1943 (30 stacks 23)
deepslate 1282 (20 stacks 2)
deepslate tile wall 873
Dark oak fence 405
red stained glass pane 380
Oak log 303
chiseled deepslate 285
deepslate brick stairs 277
chain 255
red stained glass 192
deepslate brick slab 182
Polised andesite 180
polised granite 180
spruce log 146
deepslate brick wall 142
deepslate tile stair 138
dark oak trapdoor 121
smooth stone 100
glow stone 77
Spruce fence 74
latter 70
spruce trapdoor 66
dark oak fence gate 64
dark oak slab 59
spruce stair 57
purple (green) panes 55
chisled stone brick 54
stripped spruce log 51
red netherbrick wall 50
nether brick fence 46
coarse dirt 45
sweet berry 45
deepslate tile slab 42
red nether brick stair 32
spruce slab 32
dark oak stair 22
crimson trap door 18
lantern 18
mangrove fence 14
spruce fence gate 8
spruce leaves 8
grindstone 6
dead bush 4
flower pot 4
cobbled deepslate stair 2
iron bar 2
dark oak door 1


building this is survival on a public server im in! after a month of procrastinating and gathering i finally have all the materials, thank you for doing the layout thing like that so i can actually count, and how you made it so easy to follow!! <3


I’m building this for a second time. The first time I used all the blocks shown, this time I’m changing all the blocks for a different spin. This has been one of my favorite builds


I recently started playing for the first time I will be building this in peaceful. It looks so pretty and your video style made it so easy to follow thank you for your hard work🖤


Just finished building this in survival!!
Was challenging, but definitely worth it!!!
Thank you!!


If this gets 5 likes I’ll build this in survival


Oh my god, oh my flippin god. It's beautiful! I tried building a gothic cathedral once, also black and red, but yours is vastly superior! I'm definitely using this tutorial someday!


This is really a masterpiece. ❤ I built one in survival, I used different color wood for the floors and rooves, and changed the windows a bit, but kept all the deepslate and details the same. It looks incredible!! Thanks so much for sharing your artwork with us!!


I’m begging for a part 2 of this build, there is so much more you can add in the interior, please part 2


Happy to say i watched this vid when it first came out and i have fully finished the build in a realm with my friends


I both love and hate how good you are at building. I love that you're good at it, because we get awesome tutorials like this. I hate that you're good at it because IT'S SO PRETTY AND BIG THAT IT TAKES FOREVER

so worth it though


Just finished building it in survival and it is magnificent. Great job


DEFINITELY one of the best minecraft buildings I've ever seen in my life. ❤


Anyone who has built it in survival 👏👏👏


Omg this is what I’ve been looking to build for a while now! please more of this stuff! Thank you!


Now you have to do the interior! I need more lol 😅


This is material list along with outline in text format
Deepslate brick 6532
Red nether brick 2500
Deepslate tiles 2485
Spruce planks 1943
Deepslate 1283
Deepslate tiles wall 873
Dark oak fence 405
Red stained glass 380
Oak log 303
Chiseled deepslate 285
Deepslate brick stairs 277
Chains 255
Red stained glass 192
Deepslate brick slab 182
Polished andesite 180
Polished granite 180
Spruce log 146
Deepslate brick wall 142
Deepslate tiles stairs 138
Dark oak trappdoor 121
Smooth stone 100
Glowstone 77
Spruce fence 74
Ladders 70
Spruce trapdoor 66
Dark oak fence gate 64
Dark oak slab 56
Spruce stairs 57
Purple stained glass 55
Chiseled stone brick 54
Stripped spruce log 51
Red nether brick wall 50
Nether brick fence 46
Coarse dirt 45
Sweet berries 45
Deepslate tiles slab 42
Red nether brick stairs 32
Spruce slab 32
Dark oak stairs 23
Crimson trapdoor 18
Lanterns 18
Mangrove fence 14
Spruce fence gate 8
Spruce leaves 8
Grindstone 6
Dead bush 4
Flower pot 4
C9bble Deepslate stairs 2
Iron bars 2
Dark oak door 1
Yellow 84
Blue 32
White 18
Black 24
Pink 30
Red 30
Light blue 40
Extra white 40


Voici la conversion exacte en stacks + unités restantes :

Briques de déepslate → 102 stacks + 3

Briques du Nether rouges → 39 stacks + 4

Tuiles de déepslate → 38 stacks + 53

Planches de sapin → 30 stacks + 23

Déepslate → 20 stacks + 2

Muret en tuiles de déepslate → 13 stacks + 41

Barrière en chêne noir → 6 stacks + 21

Vitres teintées rouges → 5 stacks + 60

Bûches de chêne → 4 stacks + 47

Déepslate sculptée → 4 stacks + 29

Escaliers en briques de déepslate → 4 stacks + 21

Chaîne → 3 stacks + 63

Verre teinté rouge → 3 stacks

Dalle en briques de déepslate → 2 stacks + 54

Andésite polie → 2 stacks + 52

Granite poli → 2 stacks + 52

Bûches de sapin → 2 stacks + 18

Muret en briques de déepslate → 2 stacks + 14

Escaliers en tuiles de déepslate → 2 stacks + 10

Trappe en chêne noir → 1 stack + 57

Pierre lisse → 1 stack + 36

Pierre lumineuse → 1 stack + 13

Barrière en sapin → 1 stack + 10

Échelle → 1 stack + 6

Trappe en sapin → 1 stack + 2

Portillon en chêne noir → 1 stack

Dalle en chêne noir → 59

Escaliers en sapin → 57

Vitres violettes (vertes) → 55

Pierre sculptée → 54

Bûches de sapin dénudées → 51

Muret en briques du Nether rouges → 50

Barrière en briques du Nether → 46

Terre stérile → 45

Baies sucrées → 45

Dalle en tuiles de déepslate → 42

Escaliers en briques du Nether rouges → 32

Dalle en sapin → 32

Escaliers en chêne noir → 22

Trappe carmin → 18

Lanterne → 18

Barrière en palétuvier → 14

Portillon en sapin → 8

Feuilles de sapin → 8

Meule → 6

Arbuste mort → 4

Pot de fleurs → 4

Escaliers en déepslate taillée → 2

Barre de fer → 2

Porte en chêne noir → 1
