15 Scary Ways Governments Control Your Behavior

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Have you ever felt like your devices might be paying attention to you, and not the other way around? Do you ever notice security cameras and wonder if they’re seeing anything at all? Or when looking around your prison cell, are you left with the burning question ‘Why is everything pink’? Maybe we’re making light of something all of us face every day glaring back at us, the possibility that a so-called ‘Big Brother is watching us, studying us, controlling us… It’s hard not to be a little afraid. 15 Scary Ways Governments Control Your Behaviour!

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Putting a decal on the road will cause a lot of car accidents, people will slam their brakes on due to a quick panic of seeing this, very dangerous.


All of those anger me. In the 60s n 70s we were aware of big brother's antics. They need to stop it. They want healthy people to work and pay outrageously high taxes for their own pockets. I'm not going to say anything else about it.


All the available work in marketplace but the homeless are still homeless. When I was attending college a survey was conducted on the homeless. They were ask if they wanted work and the most common response was no, many with mentally problems.
We don't need political parties any more than we need lobbyist or no term limits.


Will that spy robot actually can tell what is suspicious then, so much for personal privacy, if its going to do all those things, eg jaywalking, smoking in restricted areas, but will it do its real policing, so when it witnesses a cop doing crime or breaking the law, will it do its duty as a cop or a tyrant thug. Arrest cops in the department when they break laws, or is it programme to id a cop and turn a blind eye, only time will tell if its going to honor and obey the law s written in the law books and police handbook, strictly no corruption or illegal programming software installed.
And if the govt going to go out of their way to stop homeless or people in general enjoying their city by placing these things around the city, well why would you even want to go to places like this if there is nowhere to sit for lunch, bring your family for an outing, why bother going there at all. If the want to go this far so they can be in control of you well maybe we all should leave it to their demise and go set up a new city of the people's choice and if all work together and look after our own city, why need anyone to tell you what to do and when to do it.


There needs to be obstacles that would actually cause the drivers being ticketed.


Option discussion I like the idea of potholes stickers. How however we should be disciplined enough to drive at safe spend, the consequences should encourage us.


How many accidents will happen when the drivers think it's a road decal and drive into a real pot hole?


I love the idea of pot hole stickers to slow people down.// Not sure how I feel about cloud seeding.// America has been spied on since the 50's.// Those spikes are outrageous! What if a kid or a biker fell on them? So what if a someone needs to kick back a minute?//


What do you think the Tel-Lie-Vision was made for?
The Ultimate Mind Control Weapon!


You put this up at the right time. All i will say mind-control shooting.


Just because some cross-walk buttons don't work, that doesn't mean that they are all useless. In fact, New York City is the only confirmed location of non-functional cross-walk buttons. I doubt that it is the only place they can be found, but most smaller cities have functional ones.


MK Ultra is Still very much active and I opperation today !


Stop saying we'll get super powers. I'm still waiting on "instant transmission".


The locals get accommodated to the silly decals. So, you have a cluster fk between locals and outsiders...like bike lanes. All meat for ticket revenue and a deep place in hell for public officials.


I'm fourth hiii i just woke up its 10: 30am in the morning in america 😁😀


Government cheese was so fucking good. We used to get commodity Government cheese when I was a kid cause my mom got foodstamps and I swear that shit was the best ever. I would gladly pay $100 for 1 block of it now.
