Reacting To Comments About My Preaching Cheat Sheet

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Over the last few years, tens of thousands of preachers have downloaded my Preaching Cheat Sheet—and wow, you’ve all had a lot to say about it.

In this video, I’m reacting to a few comments about it, but here’s the kicker: I haven’t seen these before. My team found and prepared these for me, so I’ll be reacting to them live. If you’ve got thoughts along the way, make sure you drop them in the comments below.



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Comment Reaction: Spiritual vs. Preparation (01:04)
Carey discusses the divide between being called by God and the necessity of preparation.

The Importance of Prayer and Study (01:55)
Emphasizes the balance between prayer and study in effective preaching.

Criticism of the Preaching Cheat Sheet (02:42)
Carey responds to a negative comment about the term "cheat sheet" and its implications.

Response to a Light-hearted Comment (04:25)
Carey acknowledges a humorous comment about microphones and social media feedback.

Preparation vs. Performance (05:17)
Carey emphasizes that preparation is essential for delivering God's message effectively.

Positive Feedback on the Cheat Sheet (06:03)
Carey appreciates a supportive comment about the cheat sheet's effectiveness in message preparation.

Invitation to Download the Preaching Cheat Sheet (06:55)
Carey invites listeners to download the preaching cheat sheet and subscribe for more content.
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Carey, I have used the Cheat Sheet and found it useful. I am an older man filling the pulpit as a licensed minister. I used this cheat as I began speaking in a small church around 22-25 people and found very quickly that my job would be to use Bible scripture to encourage the people of the church. This has worked well as the members have begun to really heed the teaching of Jesus and realized they have the potential to fulfill what God would have of them to do. I have enjoyed speaking at the church and yes God says study His word, to delliver it properly and fully so the people will understand the true meaning.


Carey, I've been in ministry for over 30 years having spent the last 12 as a church pastor. I was "raised" on Christ-centered preaching by Bryan Chappell (still use it) and have trained about 100 lay leaders and pastors using a system of biblical interpretation (exegesis) and communication (homiletics) that I learned when I was on staff with Cru. Your cheat sheet is helpful and consistent with many of the principles that we model in our workshops. Be encouraged! And no need to waste your time responding to some of the incredibly ill-informed comments you received about the tool. Thanks for your ministry!


Thanks, Carrie . Amazing the pervasive split between the idea the spirit will allow God's words to be said "no prep or knowledge" needed verses years of learning, experience, study and years of faith based living as necessary to speak with real authority that connects in a real way spontaneous and heartfelt. The outline or cheat sheet seems at least the best preparation/compromise in very busy times. God walk with me through my teaching/perching, not God you do all the work or it is all on me. It's a relationship!


The loudest boos come from the cheapest seats….Your work has been helpful in California. Thank you.


Great response Carey, God can lead on Tuesday during our prep just as well as God can lead on Sunday.


By the way you are responding to some of these comments reminds me why I KNOW you are the right person to construct this Cheat Sheet. (Don’t want to hurt anyone by being flippant with words). Great job Carey!


Gotta love narrow minded legalists! I love the concepts you lay out! I’m guessing you were led by the Holy Spirit on this. 😉


I downloaded the cheat sheet and found it very helpful! I am a pastor who will always have notes and notes and notes- bullet points, multiple scripture passages, thoughts from Christian authors and more words that come from prayer and the inspiration of God. The cheat sheet was another check point to make sure my message is clear so that people CAN receive what God has asked me to deliver. In this case, the Cheat Sheet is not cheating, but checking yourself to provide what God has inspired.


Sometimes how we great ready depends on the context of the where. I sometimes lead the devotional time of a serve team. As a devotional writer I sometime just use something I already have prepared. Sometimes - like my most recent time with this group, I shared something from my personal spiritual experience, cause I thought it was appropriate for the time (just before the US elections). For those times when I am taking a bigger platform - prayer and study are the thing. The ten questions on the cheat sheet are definitely helpful.


I do not agree with the cheat sheet comment. I do not know if it is the best verbiage or not. But the response to the comment was interesting. this many people have downloaded the cheat sheet. Who cares? It does not make it right or good. His comment was on the title and you argue that he needs to download it to make that comment. No.

Maybe you were caught off guard. I know your team would not give you any questions that would be too difficult. But you did not see them before. Okay. I would just review that response and some of the reasons given why the comments were wrong.
