Episode 5: Evidence for God - The Design of the Universe

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I want to correct something I said here. At the 7:55 mark I try to explain the amount of information contained in a single strand of DNA. Every cell in your body does contain a strand of DNA that can stretch out to be about 6' long. But the specifics I gave about the information content in that strand were not accurate. There is indeed a 4-letter chemical alphabet that spells out precise assembly instructions for every one of the 20, 000 proteins in our bodies
. But when I said that STRAND contained enough information to hold "assembly instructions for every protein in every species of animal that has ever existed and have room left for all the information contained in every book ever written
, " I misspoke. What I MEANT to say was that a TEASPOON of DNA contains that amount of information. That's a far different thing. I just wanted to clarify that point because I never want to overstate our case for this (or anything else). ~ Bob
