ESG: Woke to Broke | 5 Minute Video

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What’s more important for a company: to make a profit, or to do “social good?” More and more companies seem to be focusing on the latter. But is that a good business strategy? And, what does that mean for the economy, for you… and your bank account?

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Why do millions of people invest in retirement accounts?

The answer is obvious: to have money to live on when they're no longer working.

The best way for those accounts to grow is to invest in companies that make a profit. Less profit for those companies means less money for retirement.

This might seem like common sense but it's becoming less common, thanks to a new investment strategy called ESG. ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. If you're wondering what that means, you're not alone.

Generally, it means that a company's first concern should no longer be how much money it makes, but rather how much social good it does. In other words, get woke, or get shamed.

If you're an oil company, for example, you're out of luck because, by the nature of your business, it's assumed you're destroying the planet. Never mind that you're powering homes and hospitals. That doesn't count.

In fact, if you're a company just trying to make a profit, you're the problem.

ESG proponent Klaus Schwab, chairman of the World Economic Forum, puts it this way: "We can't continue with an economic system driven by selfish values, such as short-term profit..."

The message is clear: we need ESG to save us from ourselves.


The pursuit of profits has fueled many of mankind's greatest innovations and greatest companies.

It led Elon Musk to build electric cars, Andy Grove to design computer chips, and Reed Hastings to develop the world's most popular streaming service.

Everything from aspirin to commercial airplanes, to yes, solar panels and wind turbines came about because of the desire for profit.

Profit is why you have a job, clothes, a house, food, and every other necessity, not to mention luxuries.

It's the reason why you can live in Phoenix and stay cool, or live in Buffalo and stay warm.

The genius of capitalism is that it requires businesses to do good things for society to make a profit.

Think about it:

If you want to start a business—whether it's a dog hotel or a shoe factory—you'll have to create a product or service that helps others—at a price they can afford.

If you want to hire employees, you'll have to offer attractive wages and safe working conditions. Otherwise, nobody will work for you.

If you want customers, not only will you have to make a good product, but you'll need to cultivate a good reputation. That means treating those customers well and offering competitive prices.

In a free enterprise system, you can't make money without providing a social good. Capitalism is, by its very nature, conscientious.

It turns out, then, that profit isn't selfish—it motivates us to contribute our talents to help others.

ESG threatens this system. By denigrating profit, it lessens the incentive and the means to do good. Without profits, companies won't have the capital to provide jobs, pay investors, or fund innovation.

But that's the world ESG wants you to live in: a world where profit takes second place to a preoccupation with income inequality, race and gender sensitivity, and climate alarmism.

But even if you wanted to address those concerns, how would ESG help you do it?

That's a fair question because there's no consensus on ESG standards.

Here's a good example:

Three self-proclaimed ESG watchdogs have given Tesla three completely different ratings: best, worst, and middling.

In capitalism, there is a simple metric to determine success: how much money you're making.

Under ESG, there is no such thing. It's a judgment call.

To make ESG investment strategies even more problematic, according to Meir Statman, professor of finance at Santa Clara University, "in the long run, ESG investors are likely to earn lower after-fee returns than non-ESG investors." Over a period of say, 30 years, those fees alone could cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars.

So, if ESG endangers profits, offers no clear metric for success, and is a mediocre investment, why is it even a "thing?"


"I've never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you've earned, but not greed to want to take somebody else's money."
-- Thomas Sowell


I love ESG, it tells me companies that I will avoid investing in.


No matter how you paint it, Get Woke, Go Broke, is still true!


Boy this is exactly right. No more talk of “equity.” It sounds all warm and fuzzy but it’s an evil concept. Good work Prageru


Klaus Schwab, A child of wealth and privilege and a fool. "When you have a full stomach it's so easy to turn down another plate of food"
Communism and Socialism
sapp the individuals from innovation and creativity.


Oil companies aren't just for gas or those other types... We get plastics and polymers from oil... Nearly three quarters of a car is now plastic, even a Tesla


ESG is being pushed hard in the UK. Funds won't invest in UK arms manufacturing as unethical for example but have no problem dealing with China!


You could never build all of the things that you have. Appreciate the civilization that has provided you with so much.


We see the outcome of overemphasizing ESG very clearly in the energy sector. Too rapid divestment in companies involved in energy has exacerbated the shortages we're seeing this winter and will lead to still-higher energy prices, increased reliance on OPEC (oil) and Russia (gas) and general inflation and job loss as manufacturing struggles for energy supplies.


The whole profit from electric and wind power wouldn't be true if it wasn't for government subsidies


Sounds like a social credit scoring system that I just knew American progressives were going to glom onto when we started hearing about social credit systems in China.


"Socialism of any type and shade leads to a total destruction of the human spirit and to a leveling of mankind into death."
~ Alexander Solzhenitsyn, 'A World Split Apart' address, Harvard University, July 8th, 1978


"Is there some society [or economic system] that does not run on Greed? Do you think Russia does not run on greed? You think China does not run on greed? What is Greed? Of course it is never us who is greedy, it is always the other fellow." ~Milton Friedman


Entrepreneurs! We must be building parallel economy of people with ethics who do not support corrupt and woke politics and tyrannical mandates. The only way to stop this is to not give them our money. Starve the schools as well and take your kids out of public school!


Knowing how smart Canadian politicians are, I can see this becoming the new holy grail with the sociocommies


Excellent video. I just retired after 35 years in the securities industry and the pressure to promote ESG is growing.


STEP 1. Start a self proclaimed ESG Watchdog Organization.
STEP 2. Secretly invest in certain companies.
STEP 3. Make claims through Watchdog Organization that they are the BEST MOST WOKEST EVAR.
STEP 4. Wait for morons... I mean socially conscience investors to invest.
STEP 5. Sell for big PROFITS!


With esg only those who are already wealthy will ever be wealthy. This is sad.


The whole point of having a business is to specialise. It takes a lot of focus to make a product or a service good. If you do not work on your speciality, then why are you needed at all? Everybody can be the same and do “social good” — and everybody will loose real products and services that require actual expertise and care. “Woke to broke” is perfect title for this idiocy.


Im so grateful to find this channel when I was 17, with 24 now, I
don't have the words to express how greatiful Iam, many thanks to good intended real people at PragerU
