Engineer Babazadeh's Efforts to Find the Children: New Clues from the Store's Cameras

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Engineer Babazadeh is still working diligently alongside his craftsmen and workers. After that, he searches for the children in the village and the nomadic houses. Finally, one of the shopkeepers, who had promised to notify him if he saw the children, calls and informs him that he has seen them. Engineer Babazadeh, along with Ali Asghar, immediately goes to the shop. With the shopkeeper's help, they review the camera footage. Unfortunately, the children are not there, but they gather important clues.Stay with us to see how Engineer Babazadeh continues with these new clues.

#EngineerBabazadeh #MissingChildren #SearchAndRescue #VillageSearch #CCTVClues #ShopkeeperHelp #AliAsghar #CommunitySupport #FindingTheChildren #NewClues #VideoFootage #RescueMission #NomadicHouses #UrgentSearch#engineerfashion #nomadickids #mountainlife #kidstyle #fashioninspo #familyadventures #mountainfashion #naturelovers #travelwithkids #mountainvibes #outfitinspiration #sahelnomadic #sahelnomadiclastvideo #sahelnomadicengineer #sahelnomadicenespanol

It's good Ali Asgar is with the engineer....Be strong ali asghar stay and help the enginee..God Bless u Ali Asgar❤


God bless you Ali Asgar! Thank you for taking care of the Engineer!


Mr. Engineer, find someone to watch near the store where Amir and the children used to go to buy food.They were just living near the store.Maybe it is just a walking distance because Amir dont have car to ride on with the children.According to the store owner that surely they will go back there to buy something to eat.Anyway God is with you, I hope and pray to our Almighty God that you can find the children very soon.And to you Mr Engineer please pay attention to your health, how could you take good care of the children if you are sick.You must be strong enough so that you have the strength to fight for the custody of the children.Go to the doctor and have a check up.Eat and have enough sleep. Please Engineer help yourself.We are so many viewers who cares for you and the children, Don’t worry because our Almighty God is with you Engineer.Always stay safe.God bless you all❤❤❤


Drink buttermilk, it will coat your stomach! It will help with the stomach acids and decrease the burning and pain! You are a decent and wonderful person! GOD bless and protect you and your children🙏🙏🙏


Engineer does not ask for help. He is a proud man .😢 He can put posters out about the children.


Дорогой инженер, вы вы как маленький ребенок.Если дедушка согласен на ваше опекунство, то возьмите его подпись и этим документом идите в опекунский совет.Если так нельзя, то пусть дедушку навещает совет и спросит его согласия.Неужели нельзя подключить полицию, как можно хоть на несколько часов оставить детей с наркоманом.Также нельзя их доверить бабушке, она хоть и не наркоманка, но полный неадекват.Выкинула детей на улицу, а теперь и у нее претензии к адвокату.Живет на его жилплощади за его счёт. Не церемонтесь с ними.


Mr E please dont ill treat the guy in blue he probably the only guy ive seen that has turned up to work in 5 - 6 days straight without mussing a day, thats the longest a worker has turned up so praise his work please


Esse rapaz Ali Asgharf e vc m ser humano especial...braçpo direito da família...compreensivo e honesto...será um grande homem.


AliAfshar you are a true blessing how I would love to bring you to America and love you like a child should be loved . ❤❤❤


Ali Asghar é um amor de pessoa, ele se parece muito com meu sobrinho, tanto na aparência mesmo, quanto em suas atitudes, sempre pronto pra ajudar, menino de ouro!❤


Good afternoon. Mr. Engineer, please keep your faith and hope. Your children be home with you, you will find them. Somebody is helping him take care of the children, to keep them clean and neat. I agree, follow the grandmother. God is helping you, bringing you closer to them. Like we say in Kentucky, “keep on trucking”. Never give up. We all love you and your family. We will continue to pray for you.
Mr. Cameraman, thanks for your filming, your support and kindness. Be ready when they are finally reunited. What a joy it will be. ❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
United States, Kentucky


The two new workers are really doing a good job. They appeared to be very loyal to the Engineer.

Mr Engineer please take care of yourself. The children will need you.


I love Ali Asgar. He is kind and so helpful and is a lot like the Engineer. I wish he would stay with the engineer. He really needs the help and support right now. I know the children will be home soon.


이란 이라는 나라 ! 무법천지! 길거리에 마약범들이 돌아다니고 약한여자와 아이들을 학대를 해도 그어떤 법도 막아주지못하는 아주 미개한나라! 정말 안타갑습니다 세월이 얼마나 흘러야 이런 제도가 바로설까요!?~


Mr. ENGINEER be strong andtake care of your health your children needs you the most .ihope oneday you will find your children @ i include your family to my daily prayers God bless Mr .Engineer .🤗


Για ολα αυτα ευθύνη εχει η κακια γιαγια τους


Engineer you are starting to get a stomach ulcer from Worry. Praying g the children are found


❤How nice to look at Ali Asghar may God bless you always Amen


Please go to the doctor and get relief from the stress your children need you strong and well ❤ God Bless you 🙏💖


Olá querido Engenheiro Babazadeh! Deus abençoe e proteja sempre, você e seus lindos filhos 🙏❤❤❤❤❤
