Tucson Mayor & City Council Study Session. MAY 09, 2023.

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1.) Discussion of Tentative Budget for Fiscal Year 2023/24 (City Wide) SS/MAY09-23-101 28:33

2.) Discussion and Direction on the City's Urban Forestry Program (City Wide) SS/MAY09-23-98 10:22

3.) Update to the City of Tucson’s Major Streets and Routes Plan (City Wide) SS/MAY09-23-99 1:53:45

4.) Discussion and Direction Relating to Fare-Free Transit for Sun Tran, Sun Link, and Sun Van (City Wide) SS/MAY09-23-100 2:11:02

5.) Forming a Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls/Missing and Murdered Indigenous People (MMIWG/MMIP) Task Force (City Wide) SS/MAY09-23-102 1:25:41

6.) Update on State and National Legislation and Regional Committees (City Wide) SS/MAY09-23-95 2:40:29

7.) Mayor and Council Discussion of Regular Agenda (City Wide) SS/MAY09-23-96 3:04:12

8.) Mayor and Council Discussion of Future Agendas (City Wide) SS/MAY09-23-97 3:05:49
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