Last Week's Comics Monday - Comic Reviews

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A few years back Toast started a YouTube channel with a friend of his where they talk toys and Toast does comic videos. We obviously also does toy videos (it's right there in the name), and there's been a certain degree of tension between these channels from the beginning. Usually this only manifests off-camera, as comments and jokes. Last week, however, the original Shock n Awe idiots took it to a hilarious new level by shooting a video intended (not really) to go live 24 hours before Toast's weekly comic video. That parenthetical "not really" in the previous sentence is there because the video wasn't actually meant to go live. Toast saw the footage, found the humor in it, and decided to add a bit himself. This description isn't as weird or funny as our recent ones - just a bit of behind the scenes - but I'll try harder with the next one. Please comment below, like and subscribe to our channel.

Twitter: @ShockNAweToys
Instagram: @shocknawetoyreviews
Berg Twitter @RagiFoesmasher
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"Looks like ...a book that Toast would read" nearly killed me.
