Unexplained Deepsea Object Filmed by ROV Off Sanriku, Japan - Possible USO, Underwater Drone

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This has to be one of the strangest pieces of footage I've ever shared on this channel.

During a 2002 ROV expedition off Sanriku, Japan, a routine encounter with a squid shows something much more bizarre pass by in the background. It's not possible to tell whether this is a fast-moving animal or some kind of manmade drone/USO (Unidentified Submerged Object.)

This also happens to be the first new DSO Unknown segment in over a year!

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Music: "About to Fall" by CO.AG

What else lurks within the abyss?


Thalassophobia analog horror unexplained unidentified weird dark oceanic oddity creepypasta vibes strange underwater depths below
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What amazes me the most is how it appears to not disturb anything around it when it pases. The squid didn’t even move. It truly looks like pure light


Very glad someone detailed this, when the original came out it was very noticeable and super fast! Good to see it analyzed!!!


I love the unexplained videos. U should start another page that's called outter space then my life will be complete. The music the vibes are so fire. Easily the best content on the internet


Just watched the Nine ROV videos near Japan, and saw this footage here, and I’m like, what the hell is that


Whatever it was, I want to see more footages like this. Thank you for sharing!


It hardly creates any turbulence. Very odd.Also, how did Ridley Scott know about that last nightmare fuel?


Whats interesting is that the squid remains unfazed by it. So its was maybe really far away? But then it would have to be really bright Right? Bioluminescent objects arent thay bright. They also glow better in the dark not in bright lights of the rig


My vote is for the squid theory. The shape matches a jetting squid, and since most species can change their colours the most likely explanation is that there was another squid out of frame that got spooked by the ROV and flashed warning colours/lights whilst jetting away.


My first thought was some kind of yet to be identified/discovered deep sea fish that move as fast as swordfish do. There are fish that have insanely reflective scales, and it looks like this object/creature has a far more reflective upper half than lower half which to me also points to a more fish like structure than a squid. On the other hand, tail fins and the like may be far more translucent and harder to see moving fast. After all, it's not _that_ deep to where living organisms are just jelly floating along.


Is there any way to determine how far away the object was from the squid? Awesome footage btw


You can see it enough to tell it's clearly rotating. It's a saucer shaped vehicle. There's countless stories of saucers seen going in and out of oceans


i love these vids. just noticed how long its been. thanks for keeping these coming!


Very well presented, with no jumping to conclusions, just breaking it down from a scientific standpoint.


At 1st I thought *"oh, its just one of those tiny biolumincent glass fishes that was too close to the ROV camera so it just looks massive"* but then i realized it goes behind the squid that in focus and that freaked me out


I noticed this in your previous compilation. I also spoke to someone recently about the possibility of aliens, if they were to visit earth from a far away planet, could easily withstand the insane pressures of our oceans. They could technically "chill" there to avoid detection. Just a thought experiment, but it would line up with many UFO sightings where objects shot out of/into the ocean


We need to know the frame rate the video was shot at. If something moves fast enough you will not see any meaningful details - likely a fast moving squid reflecting light.


At 1:10, the first frame by frame, you can see the mantle. In the second frame, you can see an eye. It's another squid.


I just commented on another video showing this but only one other person commented about it so I'm glad to see you made a video. It's so strange and it's definitely not a reflection because it passes behind the creature. USO?


This is an amazing video. I find it hard to believe that it was a fast moving squid. Have we ever seen anything move that fast in any of the videos on this channel? Nope. Abyssal animals move slow to conserve energy at these depths. Yes, it could be a fast moving squid but, to me, not likely. Also, if it were a squid that was overexposed, then the Stigmatoteuthis squid in the foreground should have been overexposed as well, but it is not. Anyhow, thanks for the video. This is an awesome channel.


I am more unnerved by this small piece of footage than really any supposed UFO sightings. Hairs standing up on the back of the neck kinda vibe
