Construct 60, 30 and 15 degree angles

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Method 1

Open the compass to the same dimensions of given line segment and place the point of the compass on one end of the line and draw an arc. Repeat this at the other end and the arcs should intersect. Join the intersecting point to the initial end. Recall that an equilateral triangle has all three interior angle 60°.

Method 2
1. Draw a line segment which will become one side of the angle. Let. A be the angle's vertex.
2. Set the compasses on A, and set its width to any convenient setting.

3. Draw an arc across AB and up over above the point A

4. Without changing the compasses' width (radius), move the compasses to the point where the arc crosses AB, and make an arc that crosses the first one.
5. Draw a line from A, through the intersection of the two arcs.

Bisect 60°. for 30°.
Bisect 30° for 15 °.