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Archangel Michael is particularly present with us during this Autumn Equinox, as the highly amplified September Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse in October opens a Cosmic Gateway, through which radiant light codes will stream dispensed by Archangel Michael!
In fact, this portal substantiates a ‘call to action’ from Michael for all sentient beings on Mother Earth. For this beautiful Angel’s wish is for us to open our hearts, to receive a sacred formulae of superior DNA light codes, which will awaken the harmonics of a profound ‘seed knowing’ within our soul’s genesis.
Archangel Michael our COSMIC LEADER is sharing with us that we’ve entered a new Cosmic Time Phase, and that this period will last for thirty years between 2020 and 2050 – coincidentally this was also prophesied by Nostradamus, Madame Blavatsky, and the Mayan Astrologers who originally arose from the Pleiades.
You see, a long sleep of forgetfulness has reached a point of completion for we as cosmic citizens are yielding to one of the greatest awakenings our human race has ever experienced. During the next thirty years we will create a brave new world based on the refinement of our spiritual and emotional intelligence, which arises from the inherant spiritual toolkit we possess within our hearts and souls. Consequently, we will change our DNA, evolving through the light songs of the Star Beings who are in support of our evolution, whilst we create a new humanity as the Homo Luminous…. THE SHINING ONES!
The thrust of Michael’s ‘call to action’ is simple – that we create HEAVEN ON EARTH within and without our beings through pure loving. And as we do this, a force of infinity will dial our hearts awakening a deep intuitive knowing of our destiny. By so doing we initiate a world based on empathically led enlightenment, self-realization, miraculous thought, and supernatural evolution.
The rewards of this autumn workshop with Michael will be so rich, for they will literally aid you in the embodiment of ENLIGHTENMENT, by placing an antidote within your heart for any challenging situation. This antidote is made of sacred light codes, created by the new cosmic frequencies that urge us to be part of the new world order. For it is based on the presence of unconditional cosmic love, which releases fear and anguish. The miracle is that it is suffused with the intelligence and love of our Star System Brothers and Sisters!
MICHAEL on 6.10.2024
for a 33 Minute Free Meditation to align your cells
with the light emissions we are currently receiving from Sirius & Orion
through the Great Sphinx at Giza
8pm PDT, 3pm EDT, 8pm UK TIME
via You Tube#StewartPearceMasterOfVoice
This could amplify a healing chain around the Earth bringing our hearts into alignment with Source Energy, and attracting other Galactic Light Beings like the Angels of Atlantis to assist with a vast planetary ‘SHIFT of CONSCIOUSNESS’.
PLACE: please arrive at -
YOUTUBE CHANNEL: stewartpearcemasterofvoice
#lionsgate #meditation #event
Archangel Michael is particularly present with us during this Autumn Equinox, as the highly amplified September Lunar Eclipse and Solar Eclipse in October opens a Cosmic Gateway, through which radiant light codes will stream dispensed by Archangel Michael!
In fact, this portal substantiates a ‘call to action’ from Michael for all sentient beings on Mother Earth. For this beautiful Angel’s wish is for us to open our hearts, to receive a sacred formulae of superior DNA light codes, which will awaken the harmonics of a profound ‘seed knowing’ within our soul’s genesis.
Archangel Michael our COSMIC LEADER is sharing with us that we’ve entered a new Cosmic Time Phase, and that this period will last for thirty years between 2020 and 2050 – coincidentally this was also prophesied by Nostradamus, Madame Blavatsky, and the Mayan Astrologers who originally arose from the Pleiades.
You see, a long sleep of forgetfulness has reached a point of completion for we as cosmic citizens are yielding to one of the greatest awakenings our human race has ever experienced. During the next thirty years we will create a brave new world based on the refinement of our spiritual and emotional intelligence, which arises from the inherant spiritual toolkit we possess within our hearts and souls. Consequently, we will change our DNA, evolving through the light songs of the Star Beings who are in support of our evolution, whilst we create a new humanity as the Homo Luminous…. THE SHINING ONES!
The thrust of Michael’s ‘call to action’ is simple – that we create HEAVEN ON EARTH within and without our beings through pure loving. And as we do this, a force of infinity will dial our hearts awakening a deep intuitive knowing of our destiny. By so doing we initiate a world based on empathically led enlightenment, self-realization, miraculous thought, and supernatural evolution.
The rewards of this autumn workshop with Michael will be so rich, for they will literally aid you in the embodiment of ENLIGHTENMENT, by placing an antidote within your heart for any challenging situation. This antidote is made of sacred light codes, created by the new cosmic frequencies that urge us to be part of the new world order. For it is based on the presence of unconditional cosmic love, which releases fear and anguish. The miracle is that it is suffused with the intelligence and love of our Star System Brothers and Sisters!
MICHAEL on 6.10.2024
for a 33 Minute Free Meditation to align your cells
with the light emissions we are currently receiving from Sirius & Orion
through the Great Sphinx at Giza
8pm PDT, 3pm EDT, 8pm UK TIME
via You Tube#StewartPearceMasterOfVoice
This could amplify a healing chain around the Earth bringing our hearts into alignment with Source Energy, and attracting other Galactic Light Beings like the Angels of Atlantis to assist with a vast planetary ‘SHIFT of CONSCIOUSNESS’.
PLACE: please arrive at -
YOUTUBE CHANNEL: stewartpearcemasterofvoice
#lionsgate #meditation #event