Part 1: The Authentic Christian's Response to James White and Radio Free Geneva on Calvinism

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Recently Dr. James White with Radio Free Geneva received one of our podcast episodes about Calvinism (Reformed Theology) and reviewed our thoughts on Calvinism. In this special four part Season Finale, we will be responding to his video and comparing it to the Bible.

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🎧 PODCAST | The Campfire Stories: Special Edition

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We can't say thank you big enough to equal to the amount of gratitude we have for each of you. Your kindness, encouragement, and support during this second season has been incredible. And Lord-willing, we are excited to return for a third season in 2022.


As a former Baptist, I would idolize more of these so-called “teachers” like James White rather than reading my Bible. I thought that I couldn’t truly understand the Bible bc I believed they were more educated and knowledgeable due to them having degrees. But, I realized later that the Bible was made for the common man. The truth really did set me free.


My Brother's in Christ..Thank so much for the time too address James White's accusations against what the Bible teaches. Looking forward to the answers you give him with scripture.


The rightly divided Scriptures wins again. The Church of Christ the one that our Lord and SAVIOR Jesus christ built wins again. Thank you Brethren sincerely for the defense of the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ and rightly dividing the word of TRUTH. We pray for people like James White to come into the knowledge of the truth. I never thought I would hear someone who was so opposed to what Jesus and The Apostles taught. WOW!!!!


I’m so excited to listen to these episodes! I’ve been waiting for your responses! I first heard about James’s mentioning of you guys from a clip played on Johnny Robertson’s TV program “What Does the Bible Say?” (in which the Robertsons have already aired multiple consecutive programs the past month it seems rebuttaling James White, Jeff Durban & The Cultish podcast’s inaccurate viewpoints about the church of Christ as well as addressing their stances on the unscriptural doctrine of Calvinism) I love studying the Scriptures right along with you as ya’ll teach & discuss. Thank you for inlcuding the link to the original video because I’ve been having a hard time finding it.


Great episode. Thanks for standing up for the truth and answering these false teachers with the Bible.


James is well schooled in the Art of Sarcasm!


I have a question!

At 25:35, by "Spiritual death" do you mean hell?


Y’all did a great job!! I loved how y’all only used the Bible to make your points. Every time a great point was made a mic 🎤 was being dropped. Jesus replied to the Pharisees, “For It is written, ” and this is how we as Christians are suppose to be answering the error.


Maybe I’m confused at some of the points. I won’t mention specific verses. But in all due respect, I feel like I’m hearing do, do, do things to be saved. It seems to infer that if you fail in these areas after you have received Christ you become fearful of when you have gone to far. Therefore leading to fear of losing salvation, on a daily bases. So someone who genuinely receives Christ, but does not read the Bible enough to grasp the whole list of do and don’ts you mentioned in the video. He hasn’t checked off everything he must do to be saved.I’ve been involved in ministry for years, and would love to hear you answer or explain briefly the balance as you understand it.. I do believe our focus, our thought life, our desires, are forever changed, thru the work of the Holy Spirit when we receive Christ. Maybe I miss understood the strong emphasis on works. Or I focused to hard on the points I was hearing. Thanx really enjoyed the discussion 🙏👍


Trent Horn, whom I would say is the most gifted Catholic debater, had a debate with James White on whether or not someone can lose their salvation a few years ago and soundly defeated him on the subject. Highly recommend it when you have a few spare hours on a long drive.


Calvinism is the most biblically contradictory theology in Christianity. They distort the gospel of CHRIST as they claim CHRIST only died for a few instead of all which deems CHRIST as deceitful as this view is compared to Mark 16 : 15 when CHRIST told HIS apostles to go into the whole world and preach the gospel to EVERY CREATURE .
Was CHRIST telling them to go tell that man over there that HE died for him when in truth HE didn't? No ! And this is considered to be blasphemy to actual Bible believers who takes scripture and the fear of GOD seriously .
GOD bless yaw .


1 Corinthians 15:3-4; Ephesians 1:13;:1 Thessalonians 4:14


At the 53-minute mark it is said of God that He is sovereign, and that He gets to determine what He wants to do. I have heard many preachers repeat this same error. This is incorrect, in that there are things that God cannot do, such as lie, or commit any sin. A better way to phrase it, is to say that:

1. God is "All Mighty."
2. God is "All Powerful."
3. God is "All Knowing."
4. God is "Love."
5. ...and all other attributes of God.


Ezek 18:20 The soul that sinnith, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.
How can you be born in sin if you don’t inherit your fathers sins?


Are you gentlemen saying that there are such people who were saved but then became damned after the fact!? And that the Bible has examples of these people?


James White is way over educated in the the theologies and philosophies of men, many who profess to be wise but have become fools. His pointing out the misspelling of Calvinism and pronunciation of Voddie Baucham errors
magnifies his immaturity in the faith.


Ya' want to hear something ASTOUNDING? There are, in various poor
Cities across the Globe, gentle, humble people, who never have HAD
even ONE Bible class! They, in fact, may only have a Page or two from
the Bible. And yet---because of their Sweet, Deeply Devoted LOVE for
their LORD and SAVIOR, and their incredible gentle humility...Will actu-
ally CORRECT many so-called Theologians who thought They knew it
all! GOD will ANOINT their Hearts and Minds to speak words of Wis-
dom and Truth!

Mark those Words!

GOD bless.


It's even More than the "Blood of Christ" that "Cleanes" in the Act of
Baptism; It's the understanding and Obedience of the one being
Baptised....The WILLINGNESS to Accept, and ABIDE by GOD'S Way
of INTRODUCING us into HIS Kingdom.



James White and others just use poor logic, poor reasoning, and clearly don’t know their bibles. What he does is that he reads the Bible by enforcing preconceived notions to make scripture align to his theology rather than reading scripture thus building up a correct theology.
