stop dating people who do these 3 things

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dating , self love , love , relationships , partnerships

"Find a home in yourself before you try to find a home in someone else".

Definitely appreciated this video Hindz, you have a lot of wisdom on relationships.


I've been jumping from relationship to relationship for 8 years. I turned 24 last week and I’m starting to heal those years in a more mature and responsible way. Thank you so much for this video ❤


"We put up boundaries not to push people away but to actually bring people closer. Because the people who truly love us and respect us will understand these boundaries."
This opened my eyes and more importantly my heart. Thank you.


We all needed to hear this. A refreshing reminder. Its sad we lost the connection. Especially in this generation. I was sexually active at 14. My heart hurts for the child i was, and still am. Im 17 now and I choose celibacy until my husband. As i heal my childhood wounds.


A red flag for me is how they speak about their ex. If they’re super reactive and have big emotions it’s a no go. Either they just aren’t fully healed or they are straight crazy. I was actually taught this in my Krav Maga class. It’s the quickest way to vet if the relationship is safe to enter.


Mmm that’s sooo good “you start to look at people as objects for your pleasure” that’s exactly what happened to me - never again will I allow those types of guys into my life.


15:22 “date someone that knows how to live the life you wanna live and love the life that you are living…find someone where you can tap into each other’s frequencies and have a good time.”



Porn is so detrimental to relationships. Im so happy to hear male voices out there saying the same.


I'm really feelin' this new side camera angle. Beautiful. And yes, this topic is much-needed, ESPECIALLY in this era of lovelessness and "Ew, feelings" and absolutely TOXIC cynicism about being in love and finding The One....


I thought I needed a relationship, but I really just needed this guy's voice


Just notes for myself
1. Don’t date someone who watches porn.
2.Dont date someone who bounces relationship to relationship. They wouldn’t have given themselves time to heal.

-should take about a year to see what u learned from the relationship & heal wounds first date tango, learn them and they learn u first.


The internet has ruined human relationships, thats why I only pay attention to suitors who actually call me live and spend time with me. And not too many suitors out there who are brave enough to actually ask someone out in person rather than wait for a date on a dating site!


There is a reason you felt led to make this video. Please bring more content around this subject. You have a special way of making sense of things… it really resonates with my spirit.


I was feeling a little discouraged on this subject. Not realizing so many others share the same ideas and values. It’s so nice to hear.Thank you for this!


Thank you Hindz. I do love your conversations about love and relationships. About intentionally dating. One thing that I started practicing that you mentioned before, is to not think of others in a lustful way. It didn’t occour to me that it’s disrespectful and that we don’t have permission to day dream of others like that. It’s time to respect others and honor our minds and bodies.


I had been beating myself up all month about the fact that it’s been a year since my ex broke up with me and I’m still not over it…very validating and affirming to hear someone talk about the grieving process of lost partnerships. I didn’t know it was common for it to take around 2 years. Thank you


Yes to this whole video ! Especially the time to grieve and heal before going into the next relationship. We should learn to enjoy our own company and learn ourselves


I agree 100% on the healing process. It doesn't seem important at first, because after 5-6 months people believe they're getting better and can start to date again. I learned the hard way that healing is slow and never easy. I feel I'm lucky that my new partner waited for me to heal, got to know me better and then asked me to date. I will be forever grateful.


Thank you 🙏. I am very I cross your path. I needed your message. Thank you.


Watching this video I realised that my relationship is really blessed! Me and my husband where friends for 1 year before we had our first kiss, and we just kissed because we are soooo in love and cant take anymore ahahh. Everything was so perfect because we respect and trully love each other.
I feel that we are going to be together forever, he is really my soulmate and I aways tell him that he is a gift from Yemoja (sea) to me.
we trust each other so much. Also he inspire me so much and we both have a really emotional life story, we have been living a lot of dificult but we are always together and supporting each other.

So… guys, be carefull, build your relationship in a strong rock, with a lot of love and calm. If the person is for you, God will take care of everything!
