Here's how to cope with anxiety as a teenager in 2021

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Coping with anxiety as a teenager these days can be quite a challenge! 2020 threw us some wild curveballs, so it's totally understandable that you might be experiencing more anxiety in 2021 as a result.

Knowing how to cope with anxiety as a teenager in 2021 after surviving 2020 will help you not just this year, but all those future years to come.

When you can cope with anxiety as a teenager, you're building resiliency to help you cope with anxiety as an adult, too. How cool is that?

So give your future self the gift of coping with anxiety as a teenager but watching this video which outlines an easy 5-step process.

You'll be coping with anxiety like a champ in no time!

0:00 You don't have to suffer alone
0:20 Step 1: Slow Down!!
2:03 Step 2: Listen to Your Body
2:50 Step 3: Stay Curious
4:24 Step 4: Be Kind to Yourself
5:16 Step 5: Connect With Others

// Prefer to read about how to cope with anxiety as a teenager in 2021?

// videos you should watch next to improve your mental health:

*Counseling clients MUST be physically located in Connecticut at the time of services. I don't make the licensing laws, but I do gotta follow them.

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Hi- I’m Mallory and I'm a Teen Therapist with a counseling practice based in Woodbridge, CT. This channel is dedicated to helping YOU improve your mental health!

When I'm not meeting with my Teen Growth Therapy Groups or individual counseling clients, I LOVE sharing new mental health videos every Thursday at 10am EST.

✨MINI-DISCLAIMER: This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. The topics being discussed are meant as a self-help for your own use. IT IS NOT PSYCHOTHERAPY OR COUNSELING. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment. If you need to speak with a professional, you should find one local to you and contact them directly.

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Love the practical action steps. My favs, reducing another place or thing to protect self from and cold water use. I know breathing is great, however it seems to be the last thing people turn to


## Slow down

Anxiety/panic causes us to process/absorb real life at a high speed as a defense mechanism. This technique works in reverse where if we force ourselves to digest life at a more relaxed pace we may lower our anxiety levels.

### Strategies to slow down

* Slow deep breathes
* Focus on the exhale
* Make the exhale longer than the inhale
* Put your back against the wall
* This feels reasurring because you don't have to worry about watching your back and feel supported.
* Body scan
* Top of the head down
* Notice where you feel contact with your body and something else (clothes, chair, the wall :)
* This provides reassurance to tell your brain to stop worrying so much because you aren't in that much danger.

## Listen to your body

Your body reacts to stress.
Some people get hot, others get old, maybe light headed or itchy.
Address/counteract your body's reaction to stress.

## Stay Curious

Sometimes when you have anxiety you feed yourself false information that makes you more anxious. In reality we probably don't know all the facts so use the beginners mind technique. Think of yourself as a 3rd party observer trying to get all the facts, finding out what to focus on and not, and how to solve the solution. Emphasis on focusing on things within our control because focusing on things outside of our control will lead to more anxiety/stress. This is analagous to asking something of someone who has no interest in helping. We can't control their behaviour, we can only control our own actions/behaviours.

## Be Kind to Yourself

Beating yourself up makes things worse.
Think of yourself as your best friend and ask what you would say/do to them to make them feel better. Learning to be kind to yourself helps you be kind to others, it's a skill.

## Connect with Others

Humans are social creatures and share problems with each other in a symbiotic manner. This is what often what happens during group therapy sessions. Helping others subconsciously makes it easier for you to help yourself. There are studies that show having strong social supports and connections you feel better in the long run.

## Thoughts

Are grounding skills the same as a body scan or are these two separate techniques? I get very anxious when I'm called out to answer a question, talking slowly and using pauses helps me think and gives a better answer; I also find it helps others in the room to be calm. I still need to work on not looking up and making funny faces when I think.

I like the use of beginners mind, in the how to talk to your parents video it was a technique used to be fair to them but here it seems like a way to be fair to yourself. I have a tendency of being too hard on myself.

Group therapy reminds me of teaching to get a better understanding of a topic. I find if you teach it to someone it ties up loose ends of understanding you might not have been aware of. I do think it's important not to give unwarranted advice, that was a problem when I was younger. Doing so is selfish because it becomes too one sided, you are saying things more for yourself than for the betterment of that other person.

I hope this isn't sexist but I sort of noticed that the women in my life find it easier to make social support groups than men. Could you make a video on how to make social support groups besides group therapy?

Could you also make a video on attachment theory? Thanks!


Thank u for this vid. I had another panic attack while tellikg them but I got it done. Hardest part done. I dont wanna die but needed help. What should be my next step? Getting professional help? Also u earned a sub!
