FFXIV:Dawntrail_Magna0mega - 'Trial by Spire'

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It's been a shipment of hotdog minutes since I even shared anything of FFXIV.
I also know that there will be comments and judgments about "applied cosmetics" incorporated; save them, for there may be the off chance that they whom condemn such "magicks" can and may be in some off pinch, one that invokes them. Be not the pot that meets the kettle (yes, feigned attempt at the saying, but you know the aim and trajectory).
BUT, in some news, I finished the Normal Raid series, and wandered around to do the Blue icon quests to help level up my next of classes: Warrior, Bard, Dragoon. There's works to be had with them; Warrior, for lore posts, Bard for the Alliance raid yet to engage, and Dragoon......also for lore post involving the elements of the Spiritborn class from Diablo IV. A lot to do with so much energy to expend, but I'll try to work on that.
Among some of the things I wanted to try and catch up on, an icon that led me under "Trial by Spire" had me think that this would be either something else or lead me to the Alliance raid. I knew not of its direction; I merely sought to open doors, and look through them when I had the chance. And for this, I didn't realize this was a practice/challenge instance in a singular sitting, especially a nice test of skills and DPS at lv.100. Granted, in the eyes of others that run Savage/EX like they're getting their everyday coffee, my damage output is rather kaputt; for OTHERS, decent enough.
I say, heartily, that I know only what I know; I will learn of and on my own pace to get stronger and better, especially if something piques my interest enough to test and try. But despite any preconceived notions, expectations and judgements any side may have, I WAS NOT SCHEDULED AT ANY POINT IN TIME TO GIVE A F!!K.
The challenge to destroy this Training Dummy was rather unexpected, but I gave it what I got for JUST arriving upon what this was even about. I checked out what the other challenges were, and gave a hand to try and shorten the constraints of the time limit; just know that AS my character title had been and always WILL be, "Shadowbringer", the DRK rotation from THEN was what I had known. A damned PITY that Blood Weapon had to be comingled with something else; Interweaving is still a shtick for me if a decent amound of DPS is to be had. But it takes PRACTICE.
I also know that there will be comments and judgments about "applied cosmetics" incorporated; save them, for there may be the off chance that they whom condemn such "magicks" can and may be in some off pinch, one that invokes them. Be not the pot that meets the kettle (yes, feigned attempt at the saying, but you know the aim and trajectory).
BUT, in some news, I finished the Normal Raid series, and wandered around to do the Blue icon quests to help level up my next of classes: Warrior, Bard, Dragoon. There's works to be had with them; Warrior, for lore posts, Bard for the Alliance raid yet to engage, and Dragoon......also for lore post involving the elements of the Spiritborn class from Diablo IV. A lot to do with so much energy to expend, but I'll try to work on that.
Among some of the things I wanted to try and catch up on, an icon that led me under "Trial by Spire" had me think that this would be either something else or lead me to the Alliance raid. I knew not of its direction; I merely sought to open doors, and look through them when I had the chance. And for this, I didn't realize this was a practice/challenge instance in a singular sitting, especially a nice test of skills and DPS at lv.100. Granted, in the eyes of others that run Savage/EX like they're getting their everyday coffee, my damage output is rather kaputt; for OTHERS, decent enough.
I say, heartily, that I know only what I know; I will learn of and on my own pace to get stronger and better, especially if something piques my interest enough to test and try. But despite any preconceived notions, expectations and judgements any side may have, I WAS NOT SCHEDULED AT ANY POINT IN TIME TO GIVE A F!!K.
The challenge to destroy this Training Dummy was rather unexpected, but I gave it what I got for JUST arriving upon what this was even about. I checked out what the other challenges were, and gave a hand to try and shorten the constraints of the time limit; just know that AS my character title had been and always WILL be, "Shadowbringer", the DRK rotation from THEN was what I had known. A damned PITY that Blood Weapon had to be comingled with something else; Interweaving is still a shtick for me if a decent amound of DPS is to be had. But it takes PRACTICE.