Cry for fire while watching this, The season of separation #revkesienaesiri

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Ooooh Lord I need this urgently - my Spirit is hungry for truth. Thank you man of GOD for releasing this truth. Watching from Kisumu Kenya 🇰🇪


The spirit awoke in me and said how long how long are you gonna keep doing this over and over and ask for forgiveness all the time how long and when that happened the sadness and the grieving of the Holy Spirit made me change made me not to even do anything And also make me also to help others to start. Praying for people praying for myself, but it’s a challenge and it’s you know it’s a battle it’s a battle because you can’t let any little anything slip in of the devil so that’s what I noticed on this one about that you get tired of doing it


The spirit awoke in me and said how long how long are you gonna keep doing this over and over and ask for forgiveness all the time how long and when that happened the sadness and the grieving of the Holy Spirit made me change made me not to even do anything And also make me also to help others to start. Praying for people praying for myself, but it’s a challenge and it’s you know it’s a battle it’s a battle because you can’t let any little anything slip in of the devil so that’s what I noticed on this one about that you get tired of doing it
Also, I pray that how the Holy Spirit came upon me so strongly and just grieved and grieved and how was the do not grieve the Holy Spirit do not sad in the Holy Spirit if a believer is true in Christ and has repented he will feel the effects and he will want to change for the better for the will of God
And it’s hard because you know I dealt with lust and me being single a oh is no problem. I’m single I’m not married you know, but it is cause I’m defaulting my temple so you know I needed to go beyond I needed to watch what I was looking at and these TV shows do you know what even though some of these Christian shows you know they have sex and loss and all this stuff on it and that’s not good you know but so you have to really filter if you’re trying to do something about this problem you have you will go to the fullest to get rid of it
