Q&A The Big Picture - with Sean Carroll

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Does religion carry any scientific relevance? How did the universe become asymmetrical? Will we be able to overcome death? Sean Carroll addresses audience questions after his lecture.

Dr Sean Carroll is an astrophysicist at the California Institute of Technology. He has written a variety of popular science books along with textbooks and has long been interested in the biggest questions in astronomy: Where does probability come from? How does time work? What is dark matter and dark energy?

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I love it when a physics lecture is genuinely uplifting. That the audience felt it to was reflected in the great questions that were asked.


The plugging of his book is very humorous when he does it. I like his classy style of gentle advertising. :)


A simply brilliant lecture. Sean Carroll has a way to break complex things down into understandable...


Sean is such a class act. If I ever have a kid I want them to look up to scientists.


there is a rich secular tradition revolving around the question of "how to be a good person" going back at least 400 years BC to ancient greece, see eg stoicim (in fact the maxim that you should love your enemy was taken over by christianity from stoicism).


One main thing of this comment is to Q about living forever. At 14:25 its said maybe there is a highest entropy then times arrow ceases but wudnt that just be that the forces or fields reassert themselves emergent in other ways. Like thru what dark stuff is. Like theres many dimensionalities and they are rebalanced to play out a certaint way, but, in our macroscopic, inertia is kept like frictionless in space so there isnt interacting fields CAUSING a friction equal and opposite force. So logical laws are there. Like 2 plus 2 is always 4 and there is a provem law that theres conservation of momentum energy or inertia and it is logical as 2 plus 2. So thatd seem to show that there isnt dark stuff interacting, thusly leaving and showing room for another interpretation of dimensionality into another read, like a conscious living in our space or universe but the fields have a different time dimenion. Like a space dimension as time and time as a space. It isnt likely. If u know it is likely thoroughly express how it is but why our view shows inertia, like logically something moving isnt gonna stop unless it is acted on by some other field. I have a view theory thats maybe inverse view of the Standard Model of particle and force fields and my fields are like e, m and c of coincidentally e=mc^2, but they are all 3d space w a time and they intertwin to make our 3d space w time but from different 3d spaces and times making a hyperverse we experience as 3d space and a time but with different particles and force which are just interactions or products of interactions or emergent things of e, m and c fields. The core theory has forces and matter in equation so maybe it supports this, but they are multiplied thru a spacetime that must be another superspacetime cuz each field has a spacetime of its own but they play out in a grander out of the box space and time. But cant we extract entropy for life sustainment from space itself and then we override entropy by creating a cluster of reverse entropy then thenuniverse expands but creates more space but itd be of the inner space not of the grander space n time and thats what dark stuff will show, and what like other universes as in like a different bubble of a space and time that is in the grander space and time and that is like a grander hyperspace of my theorized hyperspace existance of parellel universe like different 3d w own time fields comingling. Theres an aether and i think thats ehat nazis meant when they said there was an aether and Einstein was wrong. And i happen to be related to Hermann Goering. ..and to john wilkes boothe and my best friend from 7th to 10th grade was related to abe Lincoln and his mom was 6ft6 and had dark hair and a mole like abe. I have 2 moles so thats another weird thing. Hashtag, lol jk, get this to elon musk, proof we are living in a simulation. But on like september 7 or 8th of 2017 i thot of multiple parellel fields that are 3d w a time and multiple times make a time construct that has a time that is gravity, but thatd support that there is another way to see time and thats weird, but we are only conscious 8n the way we are cuz the laws make us evolve this way but still iery momentum keeps going but like i thot of my fields, they move differently, so why does this happen, and id think its cuz a base first principle rule makes a base field then it interacts w itself to create more fields but it is one field but it is like addition making multiplication and division and calculus and theres grand unification of the one field w maybe something like feynman interactions of one or one set of things that head somewhere else but then looped back around but w new or differed laws, and thats a next level of laws that the one set of laws can interplay w eachother after leaving then distroting or contorting relativisticly to new laws. I also sent am email to sean carroll march 9th 2019 and resent it other times and maybe added another email later but dont 'member.


Well done SkyDivePhil for asking a very good question. Prof Carroll does not dish those out too frequently. I admit the answer was over my head.


I wish someone had asked what he thinks of the idea that the theory that we think of as fundamental (the standard model) might be simply an emergent phenomenon of some underlying, more fundamental physics.


At times like this, I just love being a true nerd! B-)


Telling that crowd Leibniz invented Calculus might piss them off!


Suppose our universe is the 3D "surface" of a 4D "sphere". Suppose there's a input of energy at the center which is ballooning the 4D sphere, and our 3D surface along with it, hence our observing of expansion of our universe. Suppose this is what we label as Dark Energy. Then the discrepancy between the theoretical and measured value, which amounts to some 10^120 of magnitude, could actually happens to be the ratio between 3D surface and 4D sphere, and if so give us a mean to calculate the radius of the 4D sphere itself.


To the question about religion. Hinduism pretended the multiverse 5000 years ago and Prof. Carol is trying to prove the relationship between Brahma, Vishnu, and shiva


Would religion show the same level of tolerance to atheism? Hangi tarikat ateisme ayni hoşgörüyü sergiler?


Excellent talk as always. A bit disappointed that nobody mentioned to Sean that he cheated a little bit. He mentioned that any particle that isn't interacting much and discovered by LHC (let's say) isn't affecting your life as much. Well, he mentioned Higgs and kind of crawled not to be hit back by it. Certainly, Higgs field affects us every single day. What if there're other fields like it that we haven't thought about yet?


Where do neutrinos that go through everything wind up?


*I know how consciousness emerged and many people know it but don't have platform to express it, so it will be lost forever.*


*Very good explanation, I think consciousness should be added here, how 5 sense organs combine to produce consciousness to survive from Predators, and how humans after ensuring survival developed intelligence*


Whenever I see videos like this I always ask the long does the present last? For example it's not a second that's far too long, we're moving through time so the present must have a value.


13:10 There is, as yet, insufficient data for a meaningful answer.


Scientists didn't talk about ethics and morality because they were afraid of Church persecution. That's starting to change. Sexual attitudes, for example, is a topic science has a lot to say about.
