Jesus teaching the importance of baptism

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Thus says The Lord, concerning baptism: Let My beloved first be baptized in spirit and in truth, filled with the knowledge of The Holy, nourished by the Word of Truth. Let them come to Me in sincere repentance, and receive forgiveness of sins in The Messiah’s name... All burdens lifted, immersed and purified in The Spirit of God. For The Holy One of Israel is He who baptizes with The Holy Spirit and with fire, [1] and He knows His own.

Therefore, hear and understand: The Water of Life is not of the earth. Rather The Water of Life is that which flows from the body of Messiah. For in Him alone shall one know salvation and receive everlasting life. Therefore be baptized in the knowledge and wisdom of The Beloved. Listen to Him and walk in His ways, and you shall surely be accepted.
Tell Me, is the water of the earth able to take away your sins, or cleanse you of your transgressions? Can a river lead you to salvation or a stream call you to repentance? In what waters have you heard The Word of God speak? Thus baptism by water can not save you.

Rather salvation comes by the hearing of The Gospel,
And through the confession of the mouth that YahuShua,
Called Jesus, is Lord, believing HE IS WHO HE IS[2]...

The Risen One...

The Only Way, The Only Truth, The Only Life[3]...

For only by true repentance, in accord with the heart’s desire
To be in union with The Messiah, shall one be set free.

So then go forth, and be baptized in the waters of the earth, if you so desire. Yet remember this: Baptism in and of itself is nothing, unless the heart of the one being immersed has truly been converted. Thus baptism is for a testimony, an exercise in faith for the one who is saved already; or a mere dampening of the clothes of the one who came forth in pretense. For I am The Lord, I search the hearts and minds, [4] and I know whether or not one has truly been converted in their heart.

From: Be Baptized in The Living Waters of Spirit and Truth


Baptism by immersion in water is a symbol of ones belief. It is very very important, because Jesus said, it fulfills all righteousness. If it were not important, our Lord would have never done it.

If we say we believe in Him, then we must follow Him in Spirit and in Truth. One of the truths of His life is that He baptized.

Matthew 28:19-20, baptize them in the name of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Also, after Jesus’ death the Ethiopian eunuch was baptized. How can we not say that baptism is important.

Baptism is a good practice.


I wanna do it but I’m to scared of drowning


Oh look Jesus is white and speaks English in this movie. Not dark skinned and speaking ancient Hebrew like he really did😉


Me as Muslim.. The lazy kind.. Truth is that he Jesus is a prophet from God, and all this actor said seems right, Jesus was one of many unique prophets. I don't care about cultures.. Nationalities. Because it causes problems.. Why are there 3 religions who say mostly the same thing, because with every denial of the new prophets they lost their faiths value, but politics and culture devide these guides to God.. If I would put myself under water and free my soul, I wouldn't come out denying Islam because we all have the same prophet's. All of you who want to keep up the stupid game and fight over dominance fine. I'll watch you going a direction of sin.

With you I don't mean Christians particaly, I mean humans.
