THE BEST CONSOLE! - Happy Console Gamer

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Johnny talks about the best video game console ever to be released in the history of the world so far!

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I'm glad johnny explained his reasons for picking the Switch. Most people on YT don't come off real and genuine with explaining their best console ever (or pretty much anything else in general), this guy does.

It's not my all-timer, but is THE best console of this generation, hands down.

But for my favorite console of all time, it's the NES. Just the memories alone from playing it's games, and many still going franchises started on this console. The moment me and my sister got Super Mario Bros. 3 for christmas, that was an all-time moment in my childhood.

The console is still remembered fondly in many merchandise! IMO it also refined the music in video games. So many instantly recognizable tunes.


Nintendo Switch without question is my favorite console of all time. It’s insane for all the rpgs, all the fighting games, the bullet hells, the plethora of arcade and retro games, the insane number of indies, and awesome new games from Nintendo! That’s not even taking about how much potential the hardware itself had when it first came out, and still has. There is so much you can already do with the system that people either don’t know about, or don’t care for, but is all there none the less. HD rumble is awesome when utilized right, Labo was a fun distraction and neat for DIY projects, it has an underutilized or motion camera and so many different style controllers and ways to play for almost everyone. Sure it has its problems like Joycon drift and it not having a ton of power, but you can’t ignore all of the cool things you can do with this small console!


The SNES is my favorite console. It was the 1st console I owned and had so many 10/10 games that molded my childhood (Super Mario World, Killer Instinct, DKC 1 and 2, Yoshi's Island and, my all time favorite, Final Fantasy 6).


I literally got my first switch about a month ago. Even already, with just having Xenoblade 3 on the system, I can easily see myself saying it’s my #1 system. The whole portability aspect of it is just so cool! That and as you say; RPGs 😍


Mega Drive + Mega CD was my fave time in gaming, after that probably the Dreamcast.


My favorite console has been the Nintendo Gamecube for over 10 years now and I dont see it changing any time soon. The games, the memories made with it, the design, the era that I never stopped living in. I adore the Gamecube.


No doubt for me: Dreamcast. I own two of them: an original with led, battery mod, brand new optics. A second one is full tuning: led, battery, pico psu, gd emu with 3d printed tray, and blue led case mod. :) Sturmwind, Soul Calibur, Shenmue, Skies of Arcadia, Grandia.. Capcom vs SNK 1-2, and many more..


Has to be the Saturn for me. This to me was the first console to perfectly bring the arcade home…plus fire pro 6 man scramble is my favorite game of all time


The Switch has become my favorite as well. I would've never thought that 5 years ago!


My two favorite consoles of all time would have to be the Sega Genesis and Nintendo switch.


Top 3 For Me:
1) Super NES
2) PS2
3) Playstation

A lot of nostalgia being these were my consoles from childhood, but I honestly feel like I could live without these modern consoles, just let me keep my old school ones and I'll be happy


That feeling of looking at the shelf and it just making you happy is PS Vita games for me. Idk I just love the way the cases look on the self.


I have the best memories about my SNES and my Playstation One. Now our family is all about the Switch! Absolutely love taking it on trips!


I like my Wii U the most, it has so many great games, and having the touch screen controller as a map or to play handheld is amazing.


NES was my favorite console for almost 30 years, but the Switch passed it recently. I love the system, I really do.

As you say - it's not perfect, but man it has really transformed my gaminghabbits. The Hybrid aspect, the games.. it just works for me.


For me I’d have to say PS4. It’s a great combo of ability to play classics and also so many amazing exclusives and other great games: Horizon, Persona 5, Resident Evil 2, FF7 Remake. It’s just so incredible.


I actually hate the unified red spines on the Switch cases. I don't want all my games to be the same color. I want to be able to see what a game is from a distance before I approach it. I love seeing each of my games display their own unique personality in their spine designs. I look at my GameCube collection, my favorite console, and see all the cool spine art and just feel happy to have it. I don't get that feeling with my Switch collection, which is why I'm working on customizing it by printing off (or paying someone to print off) custom Switch spines. I recommend taking a look at the subreddit, r/SwitchSpines, if you're interested. You can search for spines created by the users there, request spines that aren't made, or follow tutorials on how to create your own.


I just came to the realization recently that the Switch is my favorite console too. It's only missing a few games that could be ported: Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster, Final Fantasy Tactics, Metal Gear, Castlevania SOTN "with original voice actors", Suikoden 1 & 2, and Wild Arms. I really feel that Konami, and Square Enix are not capitalizing on the Switch. There is so much potential here!


Call me crazy, but the Dreamcast blew me away back in the day


I echo pretty much everything you've said here. The Switch has also become my favorite console. I also love collecting the cartridges, they're just more fun to collect than disks are to me for some reason.
