How the US Air Force Moves an ICBM Nuclear Warhead Through Great Falls, Montana to Malmstrom AFB

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If you live in Great Falls, MT. you know what this is. If you don’t live in Great Falls, or another city with a base that services these, then chances are you’ve never seen something like this. Both choppers have M134 Miniguns mounted on the side, and all armored vehicles have M60 or 240B machine guns mounted on top with belts of ammo locked and loaded. We see these roll through town as they make their way to Malmstrom Air Force Base quite often. Enjoy
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Here’s a link to the US NRC. This is public information and outlines their procedure for moving such sensitive equipment.


That is the decoy. The actual nuke is in a U-Haul ½ mile to the west.


the formation of the trucks in front and behind the 18 wheelers is crazy


Those 2 security vehicles were so close to the truck bumpers I thought they were physically connected by bar or chain for extra security.


Here in mother Russia, we just load it into a Lada. And hope Igor makes it


I’ve heard that the trailers have an automated system that explosively shears the axels off while simultaneously driving massive steel rods into the ground in the event of attack (so there’s absolutely no way to move the trailer). It also floods the inside with a rapid expanding/hardening foam so you can’t even reach the warhead if you wanted.

Impressive stuff.


I remember (years ago) getting off work on a Sunday morning, at 3:00 AM, in downtown Minneapolis...and walking outside and getting freaked out!
They were moving the Federal Reserve Bank to a brand new building....unannounced, with an Army of Top Secret Security.... No Sirens, no lights, no nothing!
I thought we were being invaded!
Later...I could just imagine how much gold, silver, and CASH drove right passed me.


I’ve seen this many times living next to F.E. Warren AFB, WY. This is a highly coordinated process. All intersections and on-ramps are cut off ahead of convoy by vehicles that then take up the rear as the convoy passes (cycle repeats until destination reached). Others are right, there is no stopping that thing. I’m sure there’s drones too. It’s pretty impressive and neat to see.


I have a friend that's in the Air Force. He says that convoy stops for no one. One they leave the base it doesn't stop until it's gets to it's destination. They have so many US Marshals and men guarding that warhead that there's no way you would ever stop that convoy, especially with the gunships fly over head.


It’s crazy how we have such a big military and we barely see it in person, unlike smaller countries with small militaries where you see them all the time.


I was stationed at FE Warren 20 years ago and was responsible for facility maintenance. I’d go out to the MAFs all the time and occasionally I see these convoys escorting these “weapon systems” either to or from the LFs. One of my best assignments I had.


There’s no place you could escape to with a nuclear warhead in Great Falls, MT. The greatest danger is someone trying to do a ground detonation there and causing massive fallout with modest casualties. (Modest compared to, say, Chicago).

The fallout could irradiate a significant area of farmland depending on how the wind blew.


I read a book called Humble Heros by Steve Bustin (the son of one of the crew), about the USS Nashville in WWII. One one occassion, it was tasked with transporting an equally precious cargo for the times - Gold, from the US to England. The gold was delivered to the ship prior to departure in much the same way as the above - multiple police & military vehicles, sirens blaring, guns drawn, surrounding the truck carrying the payload. High visibility, high security. In a typically Brittish manner, when the ship arrived in England, there was no such fanfare & noise. As the ship was due to take on other provisions, a simple bakery van arrived to collect the gold. They took some crates of bread onboard, & came back off carry crates of concealed gold! No doubt there were lots of inconspicuous eyes on them, but the whole thing was done without anyone who didn't know what was going on, knowing what was going on!


They used to transport them in trailers that were indistinguishable from regular tractor trailers, but the defense capabilities developed to where that was not a priority. Interestingly they are now equipped with surprise and autonomous defense capabilities.


I love seeing military vehicles in public, always an interesting sight! I once saw a semi truck lugging an Abrams around like it was your average cargo trailer. Cool!


I was assigned to the 341st Strategic Missile Wing forty years ago. This video really tugs at the heart strings!


my family and I used to live on Malmstrom Air Force Base. my dad was stationed there and did two tours in Iraq in support of OIF. Sadly he has since passed away. He developed cancer shortly after parting ways with the service. Man fought for awhile. Passed real young. miss that guy, man.


Well, what an experience when you visit the US for the first time and got a convoy like that coming up behind you. I for one would feel guilty of something.


That semi truck ought to get to citation for following too close 😆


Malmstrom is not the only base where this takes place, I grew up on Minot AFB, another SAC base, and Minot itself and seeing these convoys was a fairly regular occurrence.
