Five reasons expats are leaving Thailand in 2024. Why do westerners who retire in Thailand leave?

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🔴For many of us, to retire in Thailand is a dream. So why do some expats leave Thailand and return home in 2024? I see this happen with westerners living in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Pattaya and throughout Thailand. It is not just one region. This is also true of foreigners who are not yet retired, but planned to live in Thailand long-term. I've boiled it down to five reasons why expats fail to find happiness living in Thailand. Identifying and analyzing these reasons will help you not fall victim to the same things. Happily, they are all avoidable, if you know what to prepare for and if you have the right outlook about retiring in Thailand.

I actually don't think the number of expats leaving Thailand is high. In fact, I think expats in Bangkok and expats in Chiang Mai and Pattaya and Phuket and elsewhere are quite content with their lives here in Thailand. Thanks to the friendly Thai people, great food, super inexpensive prices, excellent affordable healthcare and a low crime rate make Thailand a great place to live and retire, So is it Thailand that fails the expat? Or the expat who fails adapting to Thailand?

🔴 If you need a health insurance agent, and you live in Thailand, ask your friends for recommendations. If that is not an option for you, a very good health insurance agent in Thailand I know is:
Natt Tassana
Tenzing Pacific Services
+66 0 955749640
Natt speaks excellent english and can assist you with Thailand insurance where ever you live in Thailand or even if you are presently outside Thailand and need insurance before you arrive. (He may give me a small referral fee perhaps big enough to buy a bowl of khao soi, but it comes out of his pocket, and does not affect you getting the best rate. I chose only Natt because of his great reputation.)


#retireinthailand #thailandexpats #Thailand #chiangmai #bangkok #livinginthailand #expats

00:00 Introduction
01:27 Checking out Thailand first
04:53 Money
08:14 Women / Love / Romance
11:48 Health
15:16 Visas
16:28 Happiness / Lonlieness
21:57 Wrap up
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I retired to Thailand 14 years ago.
I must admit that this is one of the best videos I have watched
I highly recommend that new comers and intended new comers watch it.
Thank you you very much.


I travel to Thailand twice a year. But to stay there all the time when back home I have home and 30 acres property paid for, it would be foolish for me. And I like to work on cars and now I cut firewood for extra money. I can't do those things in Thailand and the heat just overwhelms you. I have stayed 60 days and to be honest the beach life for me gets old after a while. And shopping gets tiring too after a while. My Thai wife is looking forward to living in the US with me, and then we can travel to Thailand once a year and that way we can have the best of two worlds. But living in Thailand full time is not an easy thing to do as some people think it


Hi, yes visa are a huge issue here! Living in China for almost 20 years, it was way EASIER to get visas than here in Thailand. I am a fully certified teacher from Canada, and getting the proper visa in Thailand is/was a nightmare. Also checking in with the police station every 90 days is frustrating. China did not even require that. Also Thailand is very expensive compared to the salaries offered. I live a very simple life as a single mom and a teacher. I'm considering going back or leaving soon. The people are lovely, but that doesn't pay the bills. Thank you for your post.


My brother died in a motorcycle accident in Bangkok he was 16 and i was conceived at that parents loved Thailand and would visit Bangkok and Chiangmai often. My father was going to retire in Bangkok in 1971 and fly for Air Siam. But decided to retire in Hawaii. so my son graduated college he moved to Bangkok. of all the places in the world. Then my job in Hawaii was unstable and cost of living was unaffordable, so i retired and live in Phuket, i"m very happy here and retiring feels right, like a 360. It was meant to be.


Certainly enjoyed your video. I came to Chiang Rai and Chiang Mai in 2007 to teach English. I thoroughly enjoyed those years living Thai style and interacting with Thai children and other teachers. Unfortunately, the Thai govt prefers young teachers and I soon aged out. I lived in Rayong but not happily so I relocated to Jomtien, where I found my perfect balance. When Covid hit, I became quite an introvert and discovered I like that life style. Not for everyone but it works for me. I rarely leave my condo which has a lovely Gulf view, my groceries are delivered and I do the vast of my "shopping" through Lazada. I am happy and feel quite blessed. Best wishes to you and Joy!!!


Excellent video, I'm retired, live in England and booked to spend three months in Thailand next winter to escape the miserable weather to see for myself if it's for me, I've had holidays there before, but that's different. Great insight to what it's actually like longer term.


The video is very detailed, real and effective. Thank you very much. Continue to produce quality material and a good and peaceful life for everyone


Important and valuable topic. Timely for me, I'm 61 and retiring in Thailand soon!! I've been traveling there for 14 years, have my act together financially, have family and friends waiting for me, and I still think I need to follow your advice. Thanks Randy. Joy looks happy looking over your shoulder!


I appreciate the video and it’s been on my mind for years. I’ve been married to my Thai wife for about 22 years now and we think we will mostly split our time between the two. I want her to have time with family and we also love our home here in FL. We are in the process of getting our daughter her Thai citizenship as she was born here in the U.S. and this is so she has options and will be able to purchase property (or I will in her name) so we ALL have options. That’s what important for me is the freedom to live in either place. I love Thailand but I also love my home.


Randy, your video is full of wisdom. It consists of advices on how to find happiness. From my experience, your advices regarding love, finance, health issues, moving to a new location, integrating oneself into a new environment are accurate and effective. They are applicable anywhere in the world regardless of where I move to. The wonderful thing is you have successfully used them to get what you want. The smiles on your and your wife’s faces show it all. Your advices are life lessons to me.

I have jotted down a note on my laptop after watching your video. I titled it “How to be HAPPY”. Sir, you’ve made my day! I wish you and your family all the luck, happiness and good health.


Very good video. I was stationed in Bangkok in 1969-1970 living in a hotel. I was a telephone lineman so I traveled extensively throughout the city maintaining communications for high ranking officers and their families. It was incredibly safe. I was routinely out till the middle of the night in all parts of town without incident.

I think if you're not happy where you are then there's a good chance you won't be happy anywhere. It helps if you like and enjoy people but don't take it too hard when they don't like you back.


I have lived in several countries. I loved the experience. But one thing really helped. And that was, learning to be very proficient in the local language and customs. I also learned the History, Geography and Cultural (Painting, Sculpture, Literature, Music and Architecture) aspects of the host country.
In other words, do your research and homework!


Good videos! I also retired in CM (7 years now). I don't think a single day has past when I do not consider myself very lucky for being here. Even though I am by myself 100% of the time (no friends by choice and no live-in girlfriend by choice) I am out and about every single day (almost always on my electric bicycle) and loving every single second of this life of solitude. My career in the oil business was 45 years of wall-to-wall negotiations and meetings and such so that when it was time to retire the thought of complete silence and solitude was VERY important. I just wanted to come here to say your levelheaded and informative videos about Chiang Mai are a cut WELL ABOVE other local videos. Thank you.


All good points. Not sure this video prepares you for any of these but all important things to think about. I spent my 40s there. Lots of great things about Thailand but after 10 years of teaching English at a university, I’d had enough. No plans to go back but the food is awesome.


Best video I’ve seen on moving to Thailand and planning to stay there. Just good sound advice on preparing to embrace a new culture. Most importantly make Thai friends, not just expats. And contribute to the culture.


♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ These hearts are to say THANK YOU SO MUCH. Excellent presentation Randy. Agree with every point you share. My husband was from Switzerland and he knew from the beginning of our relationship he would never go back to Switzerland. He learned to cope with what used to annoy him but he soon got adjusted knowing his anger or frustration were not productive. He learned the Thai language and could get around by himself. And that's the happiness he had living here - being inclusive in Thai communities. When he passed, I gave him a Thai funeral and many of his Thai friends attended. He didn't choose me particularly for my educational background. But he said it was a bonus to know I taught at a reputable university. It could take a while to get to know a Thai person as our culture teaches us to be reserved. So please don't rush it and make a decision based on what you see superficially.


Thank you for your time and posting. I've decided to visit Vietnam to see how I like it. A friend's brother has been supporting a Thai woman and kid for three years, sending her a lot of money every month. She kept putting off coming to the US. He went over to see her again to confine her to move to the US. She broke up. I'll be looking for pickleball players. :)


good vid Randy. i have been considering moving to Thailand. im retired 68 years old living in Michigan. my cost of living is not particularly high here. i own my home, car, possessions free and clear. no debt. i live here for the cost of property taxes, auto/homeowners insurance, utilities, food, fun etc generally less than $2, 000 per month. i have plenty of retirement savings. the tricky part is im being treated for prostate cancer and a heart rhythm issue. i have Medicare and it is amazing. Medicare paid the $160, 000 bill for radiation treatments and meds. when you consider the cost of health care abroad, America clearly stands above most for the Medicare alone. i spend alot of time with my three children and grandchildren. i see Thailand as a great place to visit and spend time there, especially during Michigan winters. i will watch your content and learn more about Thailand. it looks like a great place😊


Excellent advice - well presented! Thank you for preparing this.


At last a sensible video by a sensible person, thank you,
