My Top 10 First Time Buyer Tips for 2024 | First Time Home Buyer Advice | First Time Home Buyer

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Hello . I just put my application in .. Praying everything works


Please make a video on buying a townhouse vs Single Family Home for first time home buyer.😊


After watching this, I realized I’m looking into getting a home BLINDLY!!


My husband and I brought our first home back in June 23. I still love watching your videos even tho I’m a home owner now so that I can spread tips to my family members or friends that are looking to buy. It’s so funny how your first tip is buying a grandma house. We did that and it was such a good deal for a good amount of house. The previous owner was a widower who couldn’t afford to upkeep the house anymore with just her income. Yes it needs updates but we love being able to customize and update as we are able to.


Great videos! Thank you for explaining things so easy to understand..


I bought my home 3 months ago. But I still watching your videos. I bought a grandma home, lower my pre approval.
Thanks a


Thank you so much for sharing this valuable information with us and taking the time to do so!!! I a, a first time home buyer and I’m just today going to look at two homes, one of which could be my potential future home for good 😊 I never dreamed this would be possible, no one in my family from grandparents, parents, siblings, etc are/were home owners so this is amazing to me!! I’m so grateful I found your informative video as I am totally on my own here.


Extremely important point about mortgage being around 25-30 percent, as you mentioned high mortgage will lead to being house poor


Great Tips Shaheedah, thank you for sharing.👍


this lady is truly a blessing with the information


I purchased my current home from an older lady who was retiring. I absolutely agree with buying older in more established neighborhoods. It needed updates but it is a very solid quality built home with character and she was willing to repair anything i asked without all the back and forth.


Love the Information you helped me More than you know Bless you!
With your help I close on my Duplex Spring 2024!
In a Rural USDA area as well!

Please pray for me just in case we run into any Issues.


Given the prices of homes as a FTHB I personally prefer a new construction home over an existing that may require renovation.


Insurance is very much a rip off and goes up, just like taxes can. Take it from a homebuyer already. There is definitely a lot you should consider. It definitely is at, or more then it costs to rent when you buy. When people use to say it’s cheaper to buy that simply just isn’t true anymore.


I love this channel. Thanks for the download. I enjoyed your video on the DSCR loan as an option. The information on this type of funding gives me hope. However, if I don't go this route and decide upon a conventional loan are there any exceptions to having to be on your job for 2 years? I landed a full-time time but have not reach the 2 year mark yet.


I used your calculator from one of your previous videos and according to the calculations it’ll take 4 years for me to break even, but it was nice to show my husband “look at how much we’ll be saving after that, it’s like a 4 year investment!”


Hi Shaheedah, I have a question. I just watched your video explaining the escrow account from a few years back. Say you have a shortage, but also wants to start paying extra towards your principal. My question is would you pay the shortage to avoid the increase in payments. Or use the shortage amount and apply it towards the principal and just deal with the increase in your mortgage payment. Because what I’ve noticed from sending in my shortage, my mortgage still goes up. Not as much as if I didn’t send it in, but it still went up. Thank you for the videos you produce, because they are explained well.


What is the name of the lipstick that you are wearing? It's a beautiful color


I am getting ready to buy a house. I have 3 pre approvals. What I don't understand is when I should compare the different offers because you don't know what the rate will be until you make a offer on a house.


Can you explain points vs no points with a mortgage loan and which is best?
