The One About The Windows Event Log

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The WIndows Event Log is a dark and mysterious place. Errors could be lurking you dont even know about. Let's take a look.

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This is probably the most usefully informative text guide I have ever watched. You just potentially made me be able to diagnose any problems that I've ever experienced with Windows. Thank you so much!!


Thank you for this. It seems i had an unnecessary service trying to operate in the background, but was unable to do so because i had disabled other parts of Windows that it required. No more errors in my log :)


Great video Wendell, some people may find these boring but i really like them.


Thw windows event log is a good place to go if you wan't to feels depressed and stressed out for mostly no reason. Unless you actually know exactly what you're doing, or you're computer is acting up and you need something to google, dont go there.

It's like the equivalent of trying to self diagnose an illness, there's always something wrong, the thing is not everything is neccecairly dangerous.


even if you choose to ignore an error, it is always best to know why the error exists, sometimes the error is actually a lie (amazingly often the error is a lie), but knowing why is important in pc repair, your customer will not be happy if they have the same problem in three weeks.


Tek Syndicate Yes. Thanks for this Wendell. I usually find that Windows event logs lines are so cryptic that it takes far too long (longer than it should) with Google to decrypt all the numeric information which looks scary, and ultimately isn't at all. But well done for illustrating the process.

On mini-dumps, I've used debugging symbols to trace what was causing BSODs in *my* software. When the software is someone elses', I don't find that the Microsoft debugging tools tell me any more than I can get with the smaller, and IMHO easier Bluescreen View, from Nirsoft. I've introduced my team to it, and they seem to like it. Aside from anything else, it can show the Bluescreen, as XP would have done. They know what those looked like, and had some idea what the common errors where about, where the dump files are pretty alien to them. (or to anyone who hasn't done much software development on low-level Microsoft APIs)

So, I'd recommend that for anyone who is new to this, or wants a tool on a USB flash drive, rather than pulling the dumps off onto the flash drive, or SMB admin share to view at the tech office.


Tek Syndicate Great video! My favorite vids are the ones where I learn IT releated stuff especially about windows! I know about the event viewer but there were some things about it that I didnt know and now I do which helps me not only at home but at work as well!
Oh, and I also think its great that Windell doesnt try and hide his face anymore. IDK why but it just seems better for the video :)


Thanks for taking the time to make this video. I enjoy watching these tutorials.


Tek Syndicate Glad to see a plug on Win Event Viewer.  
The logs are a great place to start troubleshooting :)


Thanks for this! I recently had to spend 3 weeks troubleshooting for blue screens on my rig, and spent a tonne of time on the event viewer, and taught myself a lot during that time, but its nice to have this as a favourite to go back to. 
For any interested, to find the blue screen I ended up replacing everything (even the mobo) and still had BS. The culprit in the end? Turns out my i5 was faulty after only 10 months. The more you know.


Great video Wendel. I knew about event log and such, but never had a clue about windbg. Looking forward to your next vid.


This is cool to know. I did not know about the windows event log. I don't have these errors, which is nice. Thanks for this video!


Watching this video, then BSOD'd for the first time in years. Coincidence?


This area of Windows is a favourite for scammers in call centres. They call up unsuspecting non-technical people, remote onto their PC and open up the error log.. Then say "look these are problems, viruses in your computer" ... "Just fifty dollars to fix it yes?"


Guys I really love videos like this, I miss those old maks hacks videos that lets you get to know your machine.. Cool stuff


The man said the words "just windows being windows" - 

the Level of things we put up with from windows - if it wasn't for games, we would have parted ways a while back


Thank you for taking us through the the terrifying abyss of the event viewer.


Excellent information on the power of the windows event log.  Great video.


It's where to look when you're running Windows servers. It's also pretty useful for coders, you can just dump your loggings there and have some kind of automation to look for your logs and perform monthly archive or something.


Wendell is the kind of people who deserve much respect and lots of money... Huge ups to you sir ! I wish I had half the knowledge that you have !
