It looks like the shearing feels good to this animal, no flinching or squirming. She is calm. ❤
I love when you tell us what you're doing during a shear... but these silent shorts showing the beauty of the fleece falling away are just magical! Thanks!
The color and texture of that fleece is spectacularly beautiful!
Oh, my gosh! That beautiful chocolate color peeling back is just beautiful!!
You are so skilled at this. Calm and patient with the animals and beautiful clean strokes. Much respect.
I like watching you shear all the animals you do! It sounds crazy but it is a very soothing noise of the trimmers.😊
Я всегда восхищаюсь людьми кто с любовью и даже с трепетом относится к братьям нашим меньшим работая с ними
Вы посмотрите как ловко не причиняя боли или даже не удобств он стригут это животное
Молодец дело мастера боится
This has officially become my new soothing ASMR. That. Is. BEAUTIFUL!
Браво этому человеку, какой умница не валяет животных не давит, не крутит, а так красиво стригет просто умиление !!дай Бог ему всего, ❤❤всего в чем он нуждается и барашек счастлив !!❤❤❤😊
This animal is so calm and still... Nice job, beautiful fleece.
Как здорово, что придумали(изобрели) такие машинки. Раньше стригли овечьими здоровенными ножницами... Ох сколько овечьих боков ими порезали... А сейчас всё безопасно.
I suffer from high anxiety but your videos are so calming. I love to watch them. You are so good at what you do. Watching those blankets of fur roll down, you can feel how much better that they must feel. I know you have a hot, hard, busy and sometimes the furry ones don't want anything to do with you, but let me tell you Thank You because you are a blessing to us.
I never knew I liked sheep/llama shearing until I came across your page. This is like so satisfying to watch every time.
Once of the most beautiful golden cocoa fleece ever. ❤
What a gorgeous color! Great shearing job!!!
I'm a novice, but even I can see you're better than all the rest. I don't know how that can be, but the sheep are lucky to have you!
Maybe your more disciplined, more in the moment. Not worrying about all the rest infront of you, even when they aren't easy? Much respect to a master Shearer!
I couldn't tell you the first thing about livestock but I love your channel ❤ from Colorado.
It looks like it is melting off like butter. You're so good at what you do. Thank you for sharing. ❤
This looks soo satisfying!! Bet the animals like it a lot!!!
I really appreciate it when you narrate each shearing. This really makes sense of what's going on. Also makes it so much more interesting ☺️