Gran Torino (2008). Trailer (English).

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Description: Walt Covalski's auto mechanic spent on a retirement spends days, soaking something around the house, drinking beer and once a month calling the hairdresser. And although the last desire for his recently improving his wife was committing a confession, Walt - a fierce veteran of the Korean War, always holding his rifle at the ready - to admit in general, nothing. Yes, and there is no one who he trusted to fully, what trusts his dog to Daisy. All people, who once called it, or moved, or went into the world of others, and they came to replace immigrants, whom he came to replace them Frankly despises. Responsible to everything, in which his view rests, - the bold eaves, overgrown lawns of houses and the face of foreigners everywhere; Aimedly staggering gangs of adolescents, consisting of Hmongs, Latinov and African Americans, believing that the surrounding world is entirely belonging to them by one; Intereachable strangers, in which our own children and grandchildren turned out to be turned around, - Walt simply slowly lives the rest of his life. To the very night, when someone tries to steal his "Gran Torino" ...
Original name: Gran Torino
Country: USA, Germany
Year: 2008
Rating: 8,1 out of 10
Director: Clint Eastwood
Genre: drama
Actor: Clint Eastwood, Bee Vang, Christopher Carley, Ahney Her, Brian Haley, Geraldine Hughes, Dreama Walker, Brian Howe, John Carroll Lynch, William Hill
The age-limit for children: 16+
Original name: Gran Torino
Country: USA, Germany
Year: 2008
Rating: 8,1 out of 10
Director: Clint Eastwood
Genre: drama
Actor: Clint Eastwood, Bee Vang, Christopher Carley, Ahney Her, Brian Haley, Geraldine Hughes, Dreama Walker, Brian Howe, John Carroll Lynch, William Hill
The age-limit for children: 16+