AA's Not For Me? Straight Talk About 12-Step Recovery

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I’ve worked that program many times. No other program would say “you didn’t work it the write way” no doctor would blame the patient for a surgery outcome. This is all biased garbage.


If it doesnt work for 90% of the people that try it, theres a problem.


I did AA for 2 years and gave it up because it was depressing. I am still sober after 4 years without a social network of drunks. In fact i would rather not be around those that still need alcohol to live. That is the other reason i left AA.


This is how it's done in this program. Bottom line through the book course of action. No treatment center no have houses you want to get the live the day talk about in the appendix at the end of the book spiritual experience. That's how you carry the message paper page 42 in the big book. That's crucial. 19 years sober. Grateful❤ Thank you for all the grace and Grace and credit to God ❤️ and of course carrying the message freely giving it to me❤ 1:06


Why dose recovery need to be done in a group? Why can't it be based on an individual?


Hey I did all the steps and felt like crap. I was trying to be a sponsor but no one wanted me because I didn't have a lot of "time." I started to get a different messages from the meetings and my sponsor. I tried to listen to both because apparently "that's how it works." I moved and trying to get more open minded in meetings. I start doing good and then I reach out and I don't know just been getting the back lash. Wish the steps taught how to deal with stuff more instead of just praying and helping others. It got weird. I wanted to try again but it all seems to weird to me now. I think my higher power is trying to tell me something. Or is it my "addiction talking."


The 12 Steps are outdated imo...It works as some sort of support network or family unit for addicts with a troubled childhood but thats it imo...Even the tetm 'alchcholic ' is outdated now...Unless your Alchahol dependent its Alchchol Use Disorder , a spectrum...


AA and the 12 Steps suggested as a program of recovery, coupled with CBT, have allowed me to have a happy life for 40 years, since 10-20-83 ... That said, I support whatever works for a person. My brother has been clean and sober now for about 45 years and found his path to sobriety through Christianity. AA works, IF you work it.


A load of outdated nonsence with s poor recovery rate.


Peer based support? sounds kind of co-dependent to me. I achieved sobriety through CBT all by myself. Never relapsed, life is good


I've been struggling with alcoholism for years. I've had mixed success... sobriety for a few weeks or months followed by inevitable relapse. At least I can say I drink a LOT LESS than I used to.


If I were going to rely on God to get and keep me sober, I'd just go back to church, pray, and do all my believing in a context other than in a knock-off, second hand, bargain basement cult religion like AA, which was founded by a chain-smoking, skirt-chasing con man. And, admit it or not, "God" is the program. I spent over 20 years in the rooms, and most of the time I came out of them wanting to drink more than when I went in. And it wasn't because I "didn't want to do the work, " which was the kind of victim-blaming bullshit I heard all the time from condescending, smug sponsors and old-timers who loved nothing better than running other people's lives. I'm nearly 70, and it hasn't been until I left AA that I finally got 2 years of sobriety, which in the cultists' eyes simply means I'm on a "pink cloud" or that I am a "dry drunk." If you get sober without AA, you get nothing but dire warnings about non-existent diseases "doing push-ups in the parking lot" and predictions of failure. Thanks. No thanks.


People dont need to do what you dictate thats what you steppers don’t understand. We think 💭 n a complete different way. You will never get it! I am either living in fear or in love. I choose love over fear anywhere I can. I do not need to prove a thing to you!


This is a silly video that shows a lack of understanding of 12 step programs. Personally I do not like them at all for very legit reasons that are not related to the reasons mentioned in this video.


Read From the Big book page 42 👍 second paragraph Two alcoholics.... This is how exactly we carry the message


AA. A haven for axis two cluster b personalities spiritually bypassing their way out of truly living like joining a a other clubs like gardening or bicycle or art where the capital I me me me isn't center and foremost but actual adult engagements. Save the the fourteen dollars a week and meet with a licensed counselor once a month and go live a real life


Give me a housebound by chronic pain recovery program. None exist. What a shthead speech


No. For me I have experience in 12 step programs and was blamed. I have a mental iĺnrss. It's irresponsible with programs 12 step..unless u want to be manipulated.


Like most things it can take time to really understand and work the 12 steps of AA. The success rate hase dropped over the years and so has the use of the word god. That for me is were the magic of AA truly works letting god into your life and having that connection. X


The most powerful part of any support group is the result you get from “herd instinct”. People will generally behave and conform to the group of people around them. Associating with drunks makes drinking seem normal and vice versa. It is critical to strive for approval from the type of people you’d like to be.
