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I am mexican and I started getting gray hair at 23. I tell everyone who comments on it that it's because I'm wise beyond my years. Lol.


I started going gray at 16. I dyed it for years. I stopped dying it 5 years ago; I now have a full head of completely white hair and love it. Embrace the gray!


I don't know what you've been doing but you look younger than ever! Keep it up, Ive been a huge fan for years!


I remember my friend finding my first gray hair when I was 15! I’m now in my 20’s and have a few more strands. I’m pretty dedicated to not dying my hair ever because I know how hard it can be to go gray when you’ve been dying your hair. I think if everyone stopped dying their hair, we would really see people of all ages rocking grey hair, even teenagers!


Great video! Now that you have covered this interesting topic... it would be nice to see a video on hair dye & bleach Q&A, what chemicals are in the dyes, effect on the hair, skin, irritation and reactions, how to achieve best outcome and less irritating outcome.


I’m in my 50’s and quit coloring my hair. Embracing the grey hair I have. It’s going to take 2yrs to grow out but I think grey hair is beautiful! I know it’s not for all/I use to be a hair stylist. You are beautiful with or with out grey hair. Thanks Dr. Dray, for choosing this as a topic for discussion and most informative. 👍😌


I started getting gray hair when I was 12 years old and now I am 22 and my hair is very close to being completely white 😂


I stared greying at 25, by 28 i had 11 greys in my head and 4 in my beard. I was a bit worried and started eating super healthy (zero junk and processed sugars), daily head massage with organic cold pressed coconut oil, increased my work out load, quit smoking, and bam my hairs stopped gowing grey any further. Now at 32 I have the the same greys i had at 28.


Great topic Dr. Dray. My husband and I met when we were 30 and he was already salt & pepper by then. 28 years later it's mostly salt. :) Happy Friday!


I'm Hispanic and got my first gray, (actually translucent, looks white) hair in 2nd grade if I remember correctly so I was about 8yrs old.
My doctor said it was hereditary.
My maternal grandmother started graying at 15 so it makes sense.
I've also dealt with anxiety since I was a child though so that may have played a part as well.
I am now 32 and have about 30% "gray" hair with most of it focused in a thick streak on the front right side and the rest scattered pretty evenly.

I wish there were more studies based on the Hispanic community bc my best friend also started growing gray hair younger than normal and I know a younger man who's hair was fully gray by his early 20's.


I found my first grey hair at 27. At 29, I only had about 3 greys and they weren't even noticeable. Then my mother died and now, at 30 and a half, I have a very large number of grey hairs and they are quite obvious. The difference between last year and now is striking and I think the emotional stress of losing my mother was the cause.


My kids say I’m too young to have some gray hair... & I always tell them because you guys stress me out lol
Now I know it’s def true 🙌🏼


I'm 14 and I've already found a quite a few white hairs. At first I just assumed they were just light blonde cause that's what everybody kept saying but when I compared them to a white sheet of paper, they were definitely white. My paternal family also has a history of going gray really early. My aunt went almost fully gray by the end of highschool. She colors her hair now to hide it.


I agree with you about stress causing Grey hair.
My husband is 73 drinks regularly, did smoke for 40 years of his life, hardly used sunscreen & he loved the sun, he hates any kind of moisteriser.
He gets compliments all the time on how young he looks and he has hardly any Grey hair at all.
He also has never had any skin cancers.
Go figure, I am surprised myself at how he does it🤔


I turned 30 last year and it feels like overnight the grays are everywhere !!! Makes me sad but this video made me feel better thank you!


Happy Friday! At the age of 23, I already had a lot of white hair. I started applying dyes, I should say the hairdresser did. If emotional stress has an impact on the hair, the source of my problem is probably generalized anxiety. But having white hair has never been a problem for me. Today, it is so easy to hide them. When I see the reference list, I always think about what work it would take to produce a 17-minute video. You have an ability to condense quite remarkable information. Thank you!


Why does graying hair seem to have a coarser, more wiry texture than its non-graying counterpart?


I started going grey at 18. I'm not greying gracefully and persistently conceal the roots with colour. My dad was grey at 18 too and my brother has been the same. It looks good on them though so they wear it with pride!


These comments make me feel so much less alone 😅


Now I know why I all of a sudden started getting greys on my head at the beginning of the pandemic and lockdown: STRESS! For someone in their 40s without a single grey hair up until the pandemic, everyone always told me how lucky I am to not colour my hair and have no greys. I always thought it was an old wives tale that stress causes greys so thank you Dr Dray!