Easiest Plant To Grow To Sustain Your Family!

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I believe this is the plant that takes the least time and effort to grow of any food for difficult times.
If you want to buy some Jerusalem Artichokes here is a link.

The Long video was 32 minutes not an hour. My bad. I had not edited the long video before saying that it would be about an hour. Sorry about that.

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If you want to buy some Jerusalem Artichokes here is a link.

This is an amazon affiliate link. I get a tiny cut but it costs you nothing extra.


He's not wrong, I grew some in grow bags with just standard compost and left them and did nothing else. They're now a 10' tall wall of leaves about to flower. No pests, no disease, they are literally the easiest thing I've ever grown bar nettles. I can literally live off nettle and Jerusalem artichoke soup for ever for free straight out my garden. Amazing plants.


Some people plant Jerusalem Artichoke in weedy areas. Once they have taken hold, they turn the pigs in on the place where the Jerusalem Artichokes are planted. The pigs will root up everything -- including the weeds -- trying to get the tubers. So the people get weed control and fattened hogs.


A friend was telling me a funny story about her Jerusalem Artichokes one time. Her husband was going to rototill their garden so she told him to stay away from the spot where her JA were planted. He forgot and tilled through them. She yelled at him and he said, "Oh no, did I kill them?" She said, "NO! You spread them EVERYWHERE!!!" 😂🤣🤣🤣


I have a section of my property (in Massachusetts) where Jerusalem artichokes were planted twenty years ago. Every September, they reach 12 feet and show off their golden flowers until October. The tubers can be harvested for food any time of year, as long as the ground is not frozen. They are an amazingly beautiful plant!


I composted Peruvian sweet potatoes in my garden bed. Now they pop up everywhere in my backyard, in Arizona, in 120 degree weather


I live in East Texas, zone 8. We have had a drought and excessive heat this year. Of the plants that survived and thrived, one was the Jerusalem Artichokes (Sunchokes).
We have sandy soil. It is like sugar granules.
After planting, we piled hay with cow manure over the area, and walked away.
They were planted early in the Spring, and they are still putting out blossoms in Sept.!
Cutting them up, soaking in lemon juice and water, then freezing, them will eliminate gas.
They get sweeter after a frost! Or you can cut them up after freezing.
We got the smaller variety, as they dont need to be peeled! The skins are tender. We just scrub them with a stiff brush, air dry them, freeze them on a cookie sheet, then put them in freezer bags for storage.
They are excellent cut into slices and fried in a good olive oil! Use them as you would potatoes.
We dig them up as needed, the day before we cook them, to let them freeze for 24 hours.
Happy trails!!


My wife planted jerusalem artichokes in a 6' stock tank one year. They grew like weeds. This was quite an accomplishment because she usually forgets to water her plants. We got such a big harvest we didn't know what to do with them all. She thought she had harvested them all but the next year even more came up. I enjoyed learning a little more about them, thanks!


When i was a kid, some kind neighbors gave us Jerusalem artichokes for our garden and they grew and grew. We harvested so many that we had them with dinner almost every night just to get rid of them. I got so sick of eating them as a kid because i ate so many. Now that im older and dont have a childs taste in food, i think ill try growing them myself! Thanks for reminding me of this wonderful plant!


When I was a kid, my Dad suggested digging up the JAs in our back yard to sell in the neighborhood. Became a great addition to my paper route earnings. Note: JAs and homemade milk kefir pair well for a healthy meal.


Another way to help with gas is eat a small amount at first and add more each day. Don't miss any days. Your gut flora will adapt better with a slow regular build up and for many the gas is because they are disrupting gut flora.


I grew these in Michigan and used a meat grinder to grind up the washed roots. this gave juice and pulp. I mixed the pulp with hamburger and made an excellent meat loaf. Even my mother liked my meat loaf.


I'm sold. Most "survival tips" are garbage. This is convincing


Another plant to consider to sustain your family is Stinging Nettle, the most nutritious plant to have on hand.
Vitamins: Vitamins A, C, K, as well as several B vitamins
Minerals: Calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium
Fats: Linoleic acid, linolenic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and oleic acid
Amino acids: All of the essential amino acids
Polyphenols: Kaempferol, quercetin, caffeic acid, coumarins and other flavonoids
Pigments: Beta-carotene, lutein, luteoxanthin and other carotenoids
I do have to say, however, that the Jerusalem Artichoke is a prettier plant. lol
P.S. Source; HealthLine
P.S.S. Avoid if you're pregnant or breastfeeding. Use with caution if you're elderly because of the potential of causing low blood pressure. Use stinging nettle with caution if you have diabetes because of the potential that it may lower or raise blood sugar levels.
Edited for additional information. As in all things moderation. And, do your own research.


I like the windy affect, the solitude is my reward.


I learned of these when I read that they store sugar in their stalk like sugar caine for most of the season, only converting it to the starch in the bulb at the end. This juice can be harvested and fermented 3 times a year (leaving the tuber in the ground) to make ethanol.


Sunflowers, edible roots.
A flower garden AND
a vegetable garden.
The best of both worlds.


I used to grow these while I lived in Germany. They were massive tubers. I grew them is sandy soil and would use a green fertilizer made from fermented garlic peels, onion peels and stinging nettle. The harvest was heavy with large number of tubers some weighing over a pound. Matthew


Hey, just letting some know You can also eat the leaves ! In a salad or even cook ! 💛🖖


Fastest and best remedy for gas and bloating is fennel seeds. You can chew them but i grind them in my coffee grinder and make a tea bag out of a coffee filter using staples and add 1 tablespoon ground fennel and step in hot water add honey and enjoy it taste like licorice. Love it and it works almost instantly
