What Does It Mean When We Say The Finished Works Of Jesus?

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Many Christians used the finished works of Christ as an excuse to ignore the rest of the Bibles teachings about dying to the flesh, presenting your body a living sacrifice, carrying your cross, putting on the armor of God, running the race, staying away from sin, enduring to the end, faith without works being dead, grace that empowers you to overcome. Christians be wanting to be as carnal and lukewarm as possible and still consider themselves saved. The Bible says they have a form of Godliness but deny the power thereof, from such turn away. When you teach these things carnal Christians get offended but if it's the word of God and you claim to love God why are you mad when someone holds you accountable with it? The Holy Ghost gives you POWER for a reason. The finished works simply mean Jesus did everything that needs to be done for you to have the victory. Through His death, you are able to have the privilege they didn't have in the Old Testament. The Spirit would come upon them.... for you, it is in you! Your sins have been paid for and you have direct access to the throne of grace and the ability to have the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead living in you. That is the finished works. Finished works doesn't mean you just get to live lukewarm or do whatever. You better get in that Bible. The Bible says my people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.