Deploying React App on AWS S3 & CDN Without making S3 Bucket Public in 6 minutes by awsmasterchef

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Deploying React App on AWS S3 and cloudfront Without making S3 Public in 6 minutes by awsmasterchef

In this video we have seen how we can deploy and React application on AWS S3 without making it public and expose it with the help of the cloudfront https url

#aws #s3 #cloudfront

deploying a reactive on aws S3
how to deploy react app on AWS S3
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You are the best. Please make more videos with best practices. Thank you!


Hi I have one doubt,

I was trying to deploy one react js project.

I have created one ReactJS application and I wanted to deploy in S3 through cloud front distribution.

As per my website features everything was working fine in local machine but after build the application I have uploaded in S3 and from cloud front origin i tried to deploy but m getting some issues like m getting my home page but when m trying to reach my another page like
/comingsoon it's showing error access denied and as per my website I have one feature to provide e-mail and and through email it will give one email to users, but it's also showing error AxiosError: Network Error.

Could you please help me here.


sir, i have create a nextjs project which is deployed on s3 bucket, when i go to other page it opened perfectly but when i refresh the page it always redirect to home page as per your instruction, but i need to render the same page after refresh the page, kindly help me


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