My Experience with Slackware 14.1 (64 bit)

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Just a small review of sorts on Slackware 14.1 from the point of view of an Arch user. (Please forgive the "um"s and the's my first video)
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Only one OS I love more than Slackware - OpenBSD.


Basically a good video but I need to ask you, especially as an Arch user, if you followed the RECOMMENDED Full Install or instead followed your (assumed) Arch instincts and tried to go minimal? Full Install solves most common dependencies by having them already installed and furthermore the versions best suited to a well integrated system. This is without any penalty other than a few gigs of hdd space, having no effect on resources like RAM and CPU cycles unless you will it.

I've been using Slackware since ~1999 and not only do I not find installing software not on original media painful, I am thankful that the worst that can happen is the new app doesn't run. The underlying OpSys is ALWAYS sacrosanct. Additionally because Slack is so Vanilla even compiling from source is easy and solid and allows the flexibility to control support options within any app. The addition of SlackBuilds helps without harm. Point is package management in Slackware does not have to be painful and in fact makes maintenance easier because problems are fewer and never occur behind your back. This equals far less maintenance.

New != Improved.


Using slackbuilds is simple, it tells you the dependencies. Its all about downloading the slackbuild/source moving the source, running the slackbuild and installing the created package. Whats complicated about that?


would you please make a video teaching us how to install Samba 4 on slackware as Domain controller? I gotta hand in a homework the next tuesday so I'm running out of time, I f you can do it I would thank you all my life!


Nice review of Slack!  If you haven't already used Gentoo, I highly suggest you give that a try.  You should have no trouble installing it, and Gentoo should be more to you liking if you came from Arch.  IMHO, there is no better Linux distro that give you the ease to customize your own distro from source and no better software manager than portage.


Zackary no one knows what your saying.


Whats it like to be an Arch-user? Im a noob, im on noob-buntu =P


I used it for several years on desktop, but never figured out how to make the maintenance, specially installing and removing stuff bearable. Consider octave, it had like 20 dependencies on various obscure math libraries - in Fortran.


Finally  a review this century thanks for the video. I had a huge problems getting the simpliest things to work correctly with slackware like wifi cards. I did not understand slackbuilds when I tried to do it like 15 years ago. Maybe things have changed.
