🔥 How To Learn English Fast 🔥 7 Easy Steps To Improve Your English Speaking

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Do you want to improve your English fast? Follow the 7 easy steps in this video.

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1. Set a Goal
It is going to help you a lot more if you set a specific goal, something to work towards, something to motivate you to study and improve to reach that goal.

This can be an exam, it can be a trip to England, you might say my objective, my goal, is to go to England and to speak confidently in the restaurant, in a hotel, in an airport, just feel good about myself on holiday.

It could be getting a new job in English or in England, or doing a job interview in English. Think hard this. Try and set yourself a specific goal that will help in your journey to learn English fast and easily.

2. Focus
If your objective is to learn English to go on holiday, then focus on the kind of English that you will need.

If your objective is to learn English fast and your goal is to use it in a job interview, then focus on the type of English you will need in that job interview.

3. Immerse Yourself
Immerse yourself in English. And this is so easy to do nowadays. You're on the internet already. So you can read the news in English, you can watch TV in English. You can get hooked on something (get obsessed with something).

The most important thing with this is, make sure it is fun. If it is fun for you and then you're not really going to think you are learning or studying. It's fun, it's part of your fun relaxing period of your day.

So, make sure it's fun. If it is not fun, don't do it!

4. Keep Consistent
There's no point speaking English for 5 hours every Friday and then doing nothing until the next Friday. We need to do a bit of English every single day. You need to make English a habit, part of your daily routine like having breakfast, or brushing your teeth.

We need to make it a habit. And to do that, just do it on a regular basis for two weeks. After two weeks, it will feel like a habit. Just do 5 or 10 minutes every day. Wake up, read the news in English. When you come home from work, watch the news in English. Just make it part of your routine, and if you do, if you expose yourself to English every day, you going to feel the difference.

5. Practise
Number 5 is so, so important and this is practice!

English classes via Skype are a superb way to communicate with native English speakers. And it is very cost effective, you can be in your home, at your office... It can be very very convenient. You're seating at home and you're speaking to a native English teacher in a different part of the world. It is superb option to improve your spoken English and it's a lot of fun!

6. Make Mistakes
Yes! Mistakes are good!! We want you to make mistakes. I am an English teacher and I dislike it when students just speak perfect English all class, thinking too much about the sentence that they are going to use and they don't make any mistakes. Mistakes are good! The more mistakes you make, the more you are going to learn. So try new things, try more complicated grammar structures. If you see a word in the news or in a magazine, or if you hear a word on television, try to use it with your English teacher. If you make a mistake, they'll correct you. If you pronounced it badly, or you get the wrong grammar, it doesn't matter. You've tried, you've made the effort. And if you make a mistake, you will learn, and you'll improve and the next time you need it you'll know it. So, try new things, it's so important if you want to improve.

7. Stay Motivated
Finally, stay motivated! And this is easier say than done. But one thing you can do to stay motivated is kind of related to point number 6, and this trying new things. When you try new things, when you learn something and then use it with a native speaker, and they understand what you are saying, this is such a good feeling. You feel so proud of yourself! You feel like, "Yes, I've learned this, I've used it, they understand me, my English is great!" You feel fantastic! So if you can do that, that's going to motivate you to learn more expressions, more new vocabulary, more complicated grammar constructions.

And it's going to motivate you to then use that again with native speakers. And by using it, you're going to remember it and improve. So stay motivated. To do this, use what you learn and feel good about yourself!

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One hundred percent agree 👍Thanks Greg 👍👍👍


Hello Mr Greg would you explain differents between words: worry, care, e.t.c and how to use this.


Hi Greg. I'm spamming you tonight. Just love your videos. Would this sentence from your description be pronounced like this?

"Try [y]and se tyoursel fa specific goal that will hel pin your journey to lear nEnglish fas tan deasily."


Really this is a great opportunity for me and every single person who wants to speak English fluently. i deeply thank teacher Greg in all my heart and also teacher Baverley who is my unforgettable teacher and gave me her great time thank you very much.
