Book 33 - Micah - KJV

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------------------------------------------------------------------ Chapters ----------------------------------------------------------------- Cap 01 00:00, Cap 02 02:44, Cap 03 05:12, Cap 04 07:17, Cap 05 10:07, Cap 06 12:42, Cap 07 15:20.
----------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction --------------------------------------------------------------
Micah, one of the great prophets of the eighth century BC, lived in Isaiah's time. Born in a small town in Judah, the Southern Kingdom, he saw that Judah was in danger of suffering the same punishment that Israel, the Northern Kingdom, had suffered. Micah speaks against the sins of the people of Judah and Israel. But he also announces the goodness of God: the God who punishes his people is the God who forgives.
Some notable texts in this book are: the universal domain of peace (4: 1-4), the future king who was to be born in Bethlehem and who would bring peace to the people of God (5: 2-4) and the clear and concise definition of that that God requires of his people: "He has declared to you, O man, what is good and what is the LORD of you: that you do justice, and that you love mercy, and that you walk humbly with your God" (6: 8).
Audio Bible
Version: Almeida Revista e Corrigida
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