Hypnosis is a heighten state where you can focus your attention more than you usually do, hypnosis is not like death.
He is so great, love him
I did an NLP course. I watched as Bandler put three volunteers into a hypnotic trance. One of the insolent volunteers piped up saying he didn’t feel anything or words to that effect to which Bandler very aggressively told him to ‘shut up’. When I asked another volunteer if she had actually been hypnotised she said no but played along. This is what hypnosis really is - just playing along.
James swisher and Kate jones what's your connection to covertalox please.
Micheal, are you and Bandler friends?
what is it that you learned from him?
Not bollocks, for a display of how this method is used I suggest looking up the rapid handshake inductions by Derren Brown, he's got it down to a science.