This is why the amber alert exists 🥺😢

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This is so sad 😢 (also the lady in the video is not me)


The "Amber alert"
Sorry amber (◞‸◟ㆀ)


For people who dont know what a amber alert is:
A amber alert is a alert you get on your phone (only if you live in the united states) which is a alert that means a child was k!dnapped by someone so they send out the alert with the car they might be traveling in, they add the license plate, and add the city the kid was k!dnapped in, the reason its called a amber alert is because a girl in january 1996 was outside playing with her bike with her brother, her brother said to her he wanted to go back home, amber refused so the brother went back home alone, until a black van appears and grabs amber and the suspect k!lls amber and puts her body in the creek, when ambers parents reported this they found out amber was found in the creek so her parents decided to create a broadcast that shows on phones, TV's, car radios and normal radios, and highway signs, hooe this helps!


This is wrong she was found 4 weeks after she was kidnapped
