Why Playing Sport Gets You Better Grades

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Can playing sport get you good grades? Rowan Kunz from Study TV debunks the common myth that you need to quit sport & extra-curricular activities to get top grades at school.

Rowan covers the following HSC study tips and skills:

- Why playing sport will enable you to become more effective in your study
- Parkinson's Law ands its impact on your time management
- Physiological responses to exercise and how they can help you reduce stress and improve your grades

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Completely agreed. 6th and 7th grade I had a 3.5 GPA and I didn't do any sports and 8th I joined the swim team where I had practice everyday for 2 hours and I got a 4.0.


That's just your experience. My sport (tennis) trains 10 hours a week 2 hours a day as well as games and tournaments during the weekends. It is very hard balancing sports and athletics.


Im in track. Coming back to it after 2 years and guess what? I BEAT THE FASTEST KID THERE WHO STARTED 3 days before i came back to track


You don't need to quit all extra curricular activities you need to cut down on leisure time eg spending time on Facebook


some more reasons why schools should allow students who are failing a class to play sports.


Fuck yes! State water polo player and hockey player. National level athlete and volleyball player. I'm in <3


@TheLittleIndianBoy It is a very relevant question! During university I put on about 10 kgs, and felt my energy levels and effeciency drop dramatically - its not about exercising vigorously however - eating habits are 80% responsible for weight loss. I would focus on substituting junk food/snacks with a piece of fruit. This simple change will make a big difference. Adding 30 mins of exercise 3-4 times a week also will help massively. I did this, and lost 6 kilos in 2.5 months.


Every person’s different i only push academics with my son but he wants to be a good athlete and I’ve noticed the more he does with sports the better he does in school. I believe each kid is different and often they will tell you what works best for them but education should always be number priority plus it teaches better time management with weekend tournaments with basketball and skills training as well as track. He also does math and coding. He really likes all that he does and since he’s had to time manage being in high school his grades have improved from middle school because he does not have time to waste


good point. love your channel, i'm a new subscriber now :)


I am a first-year student at the University of Adelaide, South Australia. I love to learn and play cricket like a pro but sometimes my instincts are saying that maybe I would lose interest in studying which will eventually affect my grades. After watching this video, I am planning to train and sport. let's see! But first of all hope, we all get rid of Covid19 soon!


Of course there are many other factors - the point of this video was to use a simplification to make a point that exercising/staying healthy/undertaking extracurriculars is important for success at school. The title refers to sport, rather than extra-curricular activities to get people's attention (as sport and study are not always seen as going hand in hand). In terms of the 'source' for the study - I've conducted research myself over an 8 year period with Australia's top students :)


@amirbaang Great to hear :) Yes, I played soccer for NSW during Year 12, so likewise really didn't want to give up my sport. Just make sure you don't use sport as an excuse for not completing your work - use it as a powerful incentive to get your study done, and you will continue to achieve great marks.


"Oh my goodness! Our 10-year-old son has brain damage! How on Earth did that happen?"

"Well, you forced him to practice football since he was eight years old. He's lucky to be alive."

"Oh my goodness! Our son barely graduated from high school! How on Earth did that happen?"

"Well, you forced him to waste 20 hours every weekend on sports instead of studying and sleeping. What did you think would happen?"


@Outoftheclique Go for a walk, schedule in some time for an activity you love - this could be a TV show, but make your leisure time watching it conditional upon completing the study prior to the TV show.


Totally agree. Ive been doing it for a wile now and i was doing a conference the other day were i talvez about that exactly. Its a great method to do some exercising in the morning (to give you energy to the day and then around 6p.m. as you refered! :) congrats from Portugal! Good job!


Mr Kunz it would be great if you could put a link of your study in the discription so that I could give more quantifiable statistics regarding the effect of sports and studies in a Ted X talk that I have to give next month. I feel the results of your study will really put across the idea of my talk!


I think I just found my problem, thank u


Thanks for replying but it is more of the limited amount of time I have and the high courses I take that make me stressed out


thanks for the advice)) I also liked your video about motivation!) Ok I need to go to study and after that to the gum!!!)))


hey this vid really helped me, im getting into nsw volleyball team n i've got good grades for school cert and i wanna do medicine i was thinking maybe to stop playin volleyball to get more study time but this really helped me continue with my volleyball, thank you
