Who Will Come Out On Top? - My Roster Predication • BLAZBLUE CROSS TAG BATTLE •

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Somebody asked Ruby's voice actor, and she said some other people were already working on voicing some characters. Mori said in an interview that Ruby is not a guest character. He also said this game would have a story mode with proper representation for all 4 worlds. So don't worry, we will still get more RWBY characters. (I think) Honestly, add Terumi, Adach, and Carmine and I will be the happiest man in the world. You can change that to happiest man in the universe if they also add Torchwick. (And I kind of want Kenshiro as a guest character)


So this might be some good news for you Jerome. There was an interview with Mori regarding the crossover earlier this month and he was asked why Guilty Gear wasn't included. Apparently Mori asked GG's Ishiwatari if he wanted part of it but Mori didn't get an answer while French Bread and Atlus gave the okay on their series' inclusion to the crossover. Mori pretty much said he'd be interested in Arcana Heart being included in the future depending on it goes.


I think tager will make it in because they will probably include a grappler from each series


Just saying, the background for the beginning of the character intro showed part of the intro to P4AU with "P1 Climax" being clearly visible.

For BB, I really want Naoto, Celica, Es, Terumi, Nine, and Jubei!


Am I the only one who feels Platinum, Mika, and Teddie would make sense to show up? And Jerome, you nailed a lot of my predictions on the head. With Blazblue, I feel it's a matter of who's not making it in, than who is. I'm hoping for Bullet, but I find it realllly iffy on her making it in. (Also, it'd be weird as shit with Rise and Platnium being playable in the same game, since they're both voiced by Laura Bailey)


I have a theory and this will blow your mind, what if the trailers is based off of each and every character fight style. Just think about it in the 1st trailer. Rags, yu, and Hide are Shoto characters. And Jin, Yos, and linnie are reverse shoto. So based on that assumptions, the possible characters are:
Noel, Naoto(P4), and Yuzu for being ranged projectile characters.(if a rwby character appears, Blake)
Tager, Kanji, and Wald for Grapplers.
Hazama, Byakuya, and Adachi as the red hearing villain characters.
Kinda like that.


Confirmed that they were doing Ultimax. Also it makes no sense that there's Carl but not Chaos.


I heard that RWBY it's getting big in Japan, even that the Volume 4 it's going to premiere on theaters so I'm thinking that RWBY inclusion it's more like a business thing more than a welcome to the FG, anyways if the game gets bigger I'm hoping that they make guest characters from other series


I feel like you were pretty accurate about character predictions... hopefully they DO take Persona's character inclusions along the P4 route as opposed to the P4A route, and it would be absolute amazing if you were right about guest characters... what ya gotta keep in mind is that Ruby wasn't even finished enough to have her gameplay shown in the first trailer, just her round start animation, and for these character reveal trailers it appears as though they are showcasing quite a bit of gameplay in addition to their character songs. RWBY... and any new characters for that matter, are going to take a LOT of production before even being ready to be teased, so I wouldn't expect one for the first 2 or 3 reveal trailers honestly. What I hope you realize, however, that no characters in Blazblue released after Continuum Shift are going to make it in this game. They are neither story relevant enough nor are they as commonly associated with the name "Blazblue." Noel Rachel and Hazama are more or less absolutes and Nu-13 and Tsubaki have a huge chance to make it in as well, followed by the fan favorites of CT... Bang, Tao, Tager, Hakumen, ETC., depending on how many characters they decide to include.


Ok, so you think Makoto, Carl, Mai and Azrael'll make it in, but not Tager, Bang or Tao, who were in the original Calamity Trigger.
And Mori confirmed that more RWBY characters would come in. Team RWBY should be a given, maybe team JNPR, Penny, MAYBE Sun and Neptune and all of these need at least one villain.
From Blazblue: Hazama, Terumi, Izanami or (praying for) Susano'o (Doubt it, but I can dream!)
From Persona: Sho, Shadow Labrys or Adachi.
From UNIEL: Hilda, Chaos (doubtful), Byakuya (also doubtful) or Enkidu.
And from RWBY: Honestly, only between Cinder and Roman. I don't think Emerald and Mercury are relevant enough to be put in (and we've already got Chie for leg day and maybe Sho for the illusion games). They wouldn't give anything out for Salem yet, I HIGHLY doubt Tyrian, Hazel or Watts. Adam and Raven would be cool, but they'd still have too many katana users at that point. Cinder and Roman are already established, and people love them anyways.


Honestly speaking, I feel like we'll at the very least get "just Aigis" so to speak in terms of P3 characters. And as for RWBY characters, I wouldn't be surprised if it was just Team RWBY and Team JNPR since that would be a case of 8-8-8-8, and 32 characters. If they're going up to 10, then yeah, you could get two of Cinder/Sun/Qrow in.


...Bang. I find it hard to believe they would leave Bang out. Also I think they already said there would be equal representation for all four series. I refuse to believe Ruby is the only one making it in. It's either the sprites just aren't done yet or they're saving them for RTX and Comic Con since there will be a playable version there anyway. Either way nice video and thanks for sharing your opinions. Not many of this sort of video floating around...


Rooster Teeth is still working on Volume 5 of RWBY, so that's why there wasn't a RWBY character revealed with the other 2 (excluding Jin)


I'm guessing if they made it an even amount of characters on every side I'd probably say they could do about 6-8 characters per series. This can put the roster between 24-32 characters.

I mean the game is supposedly having a story mode so I'm making my roster assumptions based more on character significance from their series.

So persona 4 is easy with the investigation team being composed of literally 8 people(including Rise as playable) but since we could possibly need a villain Rep we can bring in Shadow Labrys. The only other possibilities i open up to are either Margaret or Elizabeth as maybe guide characters similar to Rachel's roles in Blazblue

Blazblue has many possibilities being the game with the biggest roster to choose from but I can definitely see the top 8 characters being...

Ragna, Jin, Noel, Rachel Alucard, Hazama, Nu-13, Kokonoe, and either Tsubaki or Relius

I'm not familiar enough with UnderNight to make a call so I'll skip that one.

For rwby. Obviously team rwby. I can see Sun as a possibility. I can honestly say I'd love to see Roman and Neo as some villain representatives from rwby but also Cinder or Adam.

I'm more than likely sure the reason we didn't see any new rwby characters is mainly due to them still creating the full sprites of the characters. It's also been confirmed that the cast was still busy finishing recording for volume 5 before they could get to work on their cross tag battle dialogue. Lastly, the new trailer told us to stay tune for more information in October and since the new season premiers in October I think it's better promotion and marketing to reveal another rwby character or maybe even more closer to volume 5 release day


Jerome I totally thought Akihiko wouldn't be in, BUT P4A did have Akihiko and Mitsuru in it WHICH is the game they are advertising. I totally thought that too but I realized they were in the original. Also if you are keeping up with the gameplay vids there is an ETC. Column


I'm just going to play Tager for his chain grab lol


I hope Noel (transformable to Mu 12) and Mitsuru makes it.


Blazblue will most likely be Jin, Ragna, Noel, Carl, Hakumen, Hazama, Rachel, Litchi. I would be surprised if at least 3/4 of them weren't in.


omfg Labrys would be so good and I pray that Adachi gets in


I'll skip on BB predictions because I love almost everyone in the game, and I'm sure I'd be salty no matter who gets left out.

P4A I think Investigation Team is a given. Maybe leave Rise out and put Aigis in, and if we're lucky, Mitsuru, Akihiko and Margaret would be nice.

UNIST is also a hard one because the roster is rather small, and other than the main characters there's not really a lot of important people. Out of personal bias, I'd love to see Gordeau, Hilda, Chaos, Merkava, Carmine, Orie, Yuzuriha and Byakuya.

RWBY I think is pretty simple. The four main girls are a given, team JNPR is also a good, but not much more. Maybe you could throw around a few names like Cinder, Mercury, Emerald, Roman, Penny, Qrow and Winter. Personally, I'd LOVE to see Qrow in the game, though it's unlikely. I also believe Penny is unlikely, but mainly because there would be SO MANY robot-esque girls in the roster (I think the Murakumos, Aigis and Vatista would take precedence over Penny).
