Might be something like starting the fight on the ground or agreeing not to strike 🤷♂️ dlb
Might be something like starting the fight on the ground or agreeing not to strike 🤷♂️
Well it seems they just wanted to pray to Jesus after the fight. funtv
Well it seems they just wanted to pray to Jesus after the fight.
Watch them protest the fight for better pay on some bullshit and there goes your bet 😂💀 calimadevegasraised
Watch them protest the fight for better pay on some bullshit and there goes your bet 😂💀
They're planning not to fight in protest of fighter pay Heavensblade
They're planning not to fight in protest of fighter pay
I’m confused why do people say Bryce only has 1 loss but his UFC record says 2 losses I’m not a hater just confused Yoo
I’m confused why do people say Bryce only has 1 loss but his UFC record says 2 losses I’m not a hater just confused
Dan ige won or a draw look at he’s face😂 adsm
Dan ige won or a draw look at he’s face😂