Singapore Student and How to Get Benefits from Online Tuition

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CudyTV Series 1 Episode 2: Singapore Student and How to Get Benefits from Online Tuition

Tian Wei has always been struggling with his command of the Chinese subject. Growing up in an English-speaking family, he knew he needed to get help to keep up with his mother tongue. Find out how Tian Wei discovered online tuition and benefitted from using Cudy.


Thank you for joining us today. The
first question I have for you is how long

have you had tuition for?

I did Chinese tuition for most of my school

life and I also did a bit of mathematics
for about two years, yeah.

Perhaps share with us some of your good
and bad experiences you've had as a

student in tuition.

Well, one of the
difficult things

Oh actually I have

faced two problems so one of the
problems is finding good teachers so

sometimes it's really difficult to find
good teachers and usually we do it by

like word of mouth so you may not get
like the best teachers and sometimes you

know a teacher may be effective for one
student but may not be effective for

another student so that was one of the
problems I faced the second is location

because sometimes the good teachers are
in like I stay in the East and they might be

staying like in the West so it's really
inconvenient for me so that is another problem.

So what are your

thoughts about having teaching online?

Well having teaching online would solve

both these problems because firstly in
terms of location I can access my

classes online at anytime, anywhere so
even if I miss a class like let's say if

I did have to go for teach and I can
watch it online at another time so I

won't so I can catch up really easily
and also in terms of finding good

teachers I can go to I can go online and
I can find like the ratings of these

teachers so it's really easy to find
good teachers online.
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