This was hard for me to play... Bad Parenting (disturbing horror game)

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As a person with bad parents i thought it would be interesting to play a horror game about bad Parenting but i just didn't expect it to be as terrifying and insane as it was...

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I feel so bad for the mom at the end, she obviously wasn't the best mom, but it was clear she did at least love her son


Sometimes i feel bad for Mike to know he had such a rough childhood. No kid deserves this. But it also feel good to see he is doing good right now.


The reason why the kid was sitting in the fire, the other was in a ditch, one of them was in the back of the car and the kid you play as was in a closet is where they died and their bodies were found.


"All kids deserve parents, but not all parents deserve kids"


The way the doll said that the loose neck was just a "small flaw" compared to the other dolls makes me sick realizing that the others had worse fates


I just noticed that when the cat asks if the kid you're playing as has good parents or bad parents that could imply CPS tried to get involved or visited the house and didn't find anything. Cats are also seen as symbols of death in some cultures.


the sad part is that at the end you see how the other kids died. by the fire, buried alive and probably by the car.


How did I not expect Mike to have had a bad childhood 😭


Parents that are divorced but love you are better than parents that are divorced and treat you like nothing


when I first watched kubzscouts play this game, I was honestly just crushed when the ending came up. this game is so dark, but still so well made.


To anyone out there with crappy parents, you're worth way more than the say about you and things will get better eventually♡ So try your best to make it through (it sucks i know)


I literally cried watching this video. Not only is the game heartbreaking and calling attention to horrific events that happen in the real world, but hearing about Mike's childhood on top of that just broke me. Didn't expect this video to be so deep and dark, Mike is usually my go-to "comfort youtuber, " so it was a shock, but I'm glad I watched nonetheless. I didn't have a great childhood, but it was mainly because of factors outside my parents and home life, and this has reminded me to be grateful for them and show them love at every opportunity. Glad you made it out and seem to be doing well, Mike! Thank you for this video.


“it always ended up with the police being called” ARE YOU OK./GEN


“I love Bad Parenting” 😇
“I love bad parenting” 😨


Its so messed up realizing the kid was killed on his birthday by his own father, who he still loved despite being terrible.
I feel so bad for Mike, no kid should live is such a terrible dynamic, i say this from experience.


Hey Mike, my name is Song, I thought I'd share the fact that I relate to this deeply, in the past during my childhood I was physically abused and mentally tormented by my parents, but it made me who I am today in the end, I'm strong enough now to deal with anything that gets thrown at me, rather than letting what happened break me, I used it to build myself into the young man I am today, thanks Mike your videos have helped keep me in a good mood even when things are low.


This Game Actually Brought Tears To My eyes... And Bijuu's Story About His Family Made Me Sad And Made Me Appreciate My Parents More..


i love how bijuu mike trusts his fa base enough to tell us his personal life


The kid is probably in the fire because that's how their body was disposed, like how the son was in the closet because thats where his body was hidden. The kid in the hole was buried then and I can't tell what the last kid is on

Also sorry you're childhood was rough


In the ending, the kids are sitting in things they died in, one was in a grave, one in fire, another in the couch, and the main kid in the closet. Also great video as always! I'm glad you're here Mike <<33
