Inglês | Kultivi - Places in Town: Dialogue III | CURSO GRATUITO COMPLETO

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Gente dica: se você não estiver entendendo tão bem porque tem vídeo fora de ordem, continue mesmo assim, isso não vai atrapalhar seus estudos, e você vai entender de qualquer forma, e só seguir as aulas e ir repetindo e aprendendo as falas, só continue!


Gente, já que não tem a primeira aula, peguem essas imagens do início e estudem baseado no que está escrito no quadro. Eu fiz isso e deu certo. As partes marcadas são os pontos chaves. Pesquisem o significado de cada expressão que vai dar tudo certo!


nunca apanhei tanto numa aula de conversação quanto nessa kakakakkakakakacry


Ruy Ventura, me preparando para o curso de Letras -Inglês.
Obrigada, Ruy!


obrigado Rui, espero que ate o final de todas as aulas, eu estarei falando corretamente em ingles



CARLA - Stan, I am checking the program that the bellboy gave us, have you seen this sightseeing?

STAN - No I haven't. I have only seen the facilities around. There are great restaurants pretty close to the hotel and there is also a movie theater two blocks away.

CARLA - That is nice! Is there a japanese restaurant among the ones you saw?

STAN - Let me se... No, There is not. The only japanese thing here in their brochure is a japanese flowershop called "ikebana home".

CARLA - Ikebana? I heard this name before. At the gym I used to work out, there was a woman who was always inviting people to go to her art school to take this "ikebana" course.

STAN - But... What is it after all?

CARLA - It's a japanese technique to handle dead flowers and keep them beautiful... Or something to this nature, I am not quite sure actually.

STAN - Hum... Interesting, but anyway, let's not get off the subject... You were saying something about a sightseeing, right?

CARLA - Yeah, there is this sightseeing that goes around the town.

STAN - Right, where does it pass?

CARLA - They Leave Downtown at 10 a.m. The bus waits for the people in front of the main cathedral square. The fist place they visit is the city market. We have 30 minutes to walk around and see the whole place.

STAN - Great. What do we have there ?

CARLA - A lot of things. From a simple grocery store to fancy coffees and across from the market there is a department store, maybe we could check the place. What do you think?

STAN - Department store... with me...? Are you serious? No thanks. I'd rather visit the small shops. You can go shopping at the department store later while i sleep at the hotel...

CARLA - Gee stan, you're so rude!

STAN - Just kidding, but i would really like to see the local shops and buy some souvenirs to our friends and besides, it's only thirty minutes.

CARLA - You are right Stan. Well, after the city market, the bus crosses downtown and goes to the national zoo, but again, we don't have much time there. It's only 45 minutes.

STAN - Hum... Let's check the surroundings of the zoo, maybe there is something to visit there too. Then we can go to the zoo another day, and spend the whole day there

CARLA - That's perfect. Well, after the zoo, the bus heads back to town, on the way, we will have a guide telling us the story of the city hall building, the federal bank, the museum and some other historical places.

STAN - It looks pretty good to me. And after that, they will leave us back at the square, we can have a cofee and come back to the hotel. Right?

CARLA - Actually not, the bus stops at the shopping mall for the tourists to go shopping.

STAN - Oh... I see, that's why you didn't insist to stay at the department store...

CARLA - Well yes, if you agreed, I would have two shopping sessions in a day.

STAN - Nice... But I think I'll forget my credit card in our room for safely reasons.

CARLA - C'mon stan. Don't be so stingy... We're on vacation. Let's get some good time and forget the money issue.

STAN - No way. If i let you with that credit card, I will have to find two more jobs to recover our financial health.

CARLA - I hate you stan...

STAN - I love you too my dear.


Primeiramente agradeço a oportunidade de aprender com o curso na kultivi, mas gostaria de avisá-los de que essa aula pelo portal da kultivi esta fora de sequencia, poderiam verificar?


Parabéns pelo material! seria possar disponibiizar a série completa deste diálogo? a primeira parte não consta da lista dos vídeos disponíveis. Obrigado!


Obrigado Ruy! Mais uma ótima aula abraço.


Um pouco triste por ter me perdido um pouco no início por estar faltando uma aula :/ Mas deu pra compreender direitinho esta parte final do diálogo entre o Stan e Carla


Kultive, por que o vídeo 16 está com privado?


O vidio de diálogo 2 não corresponde com a lista de reprodução


Algo curioso acontece. Ao olhar para a frase parece inteligível. Mas quando leio eu percebo que estou entendendo o diálogo.


Consegui ler o dialogo sem pausar, porem a pronuncia ta meio enrolada mais com o tempo vou melhorar isso!


N assistir o vídeo de uma hora pq n tava no youtube tive dificuldade mais conseguir entender


Essa aula esta meio confusa para mim, eu esperava ver algumas traduções de palavras que não conheço... Enfim escrevi elas no caderno e vou procurar a tradução


Good afternoon Mr Ruy Ventura !!!*
_*Thanks and congratulations Guy !!!*


blz ele nem pra imaginar nossa velocidade certo


Genteeee Não consegui localizar a primeira parte dessa aula... Vcs conseguiram ?


O diálogo tá ao contrário ou é impressão minha?
